SleepEZ Mattress arrived yesterday!
Nov 3, 2010 7:57 PM
Joined: Oct 17, 2010
Points: 44
I wanted to post a quick update.  I ordered the SleepEZ special (8").  It arrived yesterday.  First impression, after one night, is amazing.  I don't want to say too much till I have had more time to try it and see how it does longer term.  Assembly was fairly easy.  The bottom layer was a little tricky getting it to line up in the cover, but the other layers went quick.  X-firm base, firm middle, medium top.  I will update again soon.


Re: SleepEZ Mattress arrived yesterday!
Reply #3 Nov 7, 2010 9:54 AM
Joined: Oct 17, 2010
Points: 44
We have had the mattress for 5 nights so far, so again, I don't want to get carried away.  For me, how it feels 6 or 8 months from now will be a much better indication then after 5 nights.  With that said, so far it has got to be the most comfortable mattress I have ever slept on.  It is on the firm side, so for those that don't like a very firm bed, I would definately go firm, medium, soft.  But for us, this is perfect.  The 2" of medium talalay on top provides just enough softness to make it not feel like a rock.  The support is unbelievable.  This is the special with the cotton cover(no wool).  It is a thin cover with no quilting.  So far, we have not had any issue with sleeping too warm.  I can't remember the last time I slept so good.  I have been waking up feeling like I got a full nights sleep for the 1st time in years.  I was nervous making a purchase like this without trying it out first, but so far we love it. 


Re: SleepEZ Mattress arrived yesterday!
Reply #4 Nov 7, 2010 11:57 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
Congrats!  You seem to be one of the few lucky ones that hits it right the first time.  I think your configuration would be pretty firm for most people, but it seems to be a good fit for you.   Do you have any kind of mattress pad over it?
Re: SleepEZ Mattress arrived yesterday!
Reply #5 Nov 7, 2010 12:53 PM
Joined: Oct 17, 2010
Points: 44
No real pad.  There is a waterproof mattress cover, but it isn't really padded at all.  It is perfect for us.  We did look at it like it would be easier to deal with a mattress that was too firm then one that was too soft, however it is just right.


Re: SleepEZ Mattress arrived yesterday!
Reply #6 Nov 7, 2010 4:31 PM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809
It sure sounds to me like you hit it right. The beauty of latex too of course is that it won't lose it's qualities in a few months so you don't have to worry about the mattress "changing".

I think it probably helped a lot that you actually layed on different latex mattresses so you had a better idea of what you liked. I'm really happy that you did so well after all your efforts.

What did you end up doing with your original mattress ... exchanging it for a "new" version?


This message was modified Nov 7, 2010 by Phoenix
Re: SleepEZ Mattress arrived yesterday!
Reply #7 Nov 10, 2010 9:50 PM
Joined: Oct 17, 2010
Points: 44
Phoenix wrote:

It sure sounds to me like you hit it right. The beauty of latex too of course is that it won't lose it's qualities in a few months so you don't have to worry about the mattress "changing".


I think it probably helped a lot that you actually layed on different latex mattresses so you had a better idea of what you liked. I'm really happy that you did so well after all your efforts.

What did you end up doing with your original mattress ... exchanging it for a "new" version?



It seemed like a good idea at first to get the comfort exchange for the sealy and turn around and sell it, but in the end I decided against it.  I just don't have the time to deal with the delivery and the hassle of selling it on craigslist.  And unless I picked out a real low end mattress for the comfort exchange, I would have had to put out more money and risk not selling for a reasonable price.  So, decided to just keep the 8 month old Sealy as a spare.  Storage is an issue, we don't have a spare bedroom.  But oh long as SleepEz mattress works out I will be more then happy.

Re: SleepEZ Mattress arrived yesterday!
Reply #8 Dec 27, 2010 4:52 PM
Joined: Oct 17, 2010
Points: 44
Update.....We have had the mattress for about 2 months now.  It has maintained it's shape with no body impressions at all, which was my biggest concern.  However, we have had some pressure point issues.  We like a firm mattress, but this is a little too firm.  So I have called SleepEZ and Shawn is sending out a 3" medium.  His advice is to not send anything back right away, but move things around until we get it right.  Believe we might end up with firm, medium, medium.....bottom to top, but we will see.  SleepEZ customer service is questions asked and extremely helpful.  I will post an update after the new layer arrives and we have some time to evaluate.


Re: SleepEZ Mattress arrived yesterday!
Reply #9 Dec 27, 2010 6:51 PM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809
Hi Reddog,

Glad you came back to give us a report :)

Keep in mind that pressure issues originate in the comfort layers (top few inches) of the mattress and an extra firm on the bottom would not make anything feel softer on top but may give you better support.

The middle layer is less responsible for pressure issues than the top although you have 2" on the top so it will play a smaller role with this (the middle layer is playing a "dual" support/pressure role). I believe your middle layer is Dunlop so in this case a medium in the middle may just give you the "little bit" you need for comfort and still be supportive enough to keep you aligned. I know you like a firm feeling mattress but bear in mind that there were some "firm" mattresses that you lay and slept on (the englander and the posturepedic) and liked (at least till they developed depressions) that had soft poly on top and yet still felt firm to you. Also the "embody" mattresses you tried were softer in the top even than the one you have and still felt good to you (their firmer part was under the soft). All of these were "softer on top" than the one you have.

Latex can be "soft" (the sleepez soft is 22-24 so it's on the border of medium) and still not have body impression issues so the "feeling" that from your history you seem to like would not "degrade".

I'm glad you are keeping the Xfirm for now as I suspect it may be a better base for your bottom layer given that you are "softening up" the middle support layer (as a side effect of trying to soften up the top).


Re: SleepEZ Mattress arrived yesterday!
Reply #10 Dec 27, 2010 6:55 PM
Joined: Dec 24, 2010
Points: 46
Interesting, this is exactly same configuration that we ordered initially and we thought it was too firm, so now we are getting medium 3" layer to try out as well. Also, what I think would make a big difference is a 2" wool topper with latex on top. We've tried out the topper over firm dunlop in one the stores locally and it felt great, except the price for that topper in queen size was $550. I am looking for some cheaper alternatives to it:


In the meantime ordered organic wool topper to try from Costco:

This message was modified Dec 27, 2010 by klas
Re: SleepEZ Mattress arrived yesterday!
Reply #11 Dec 27, 2010 7:06 PM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809
A wool topper may make firm latex "feel" softer, but it will make a softer latex less able to form a cradle and relieve pressure. "Feel", "pressure relief", and "support" are all separate and to some degree "independent" parts of a mattress' construction. A wool mattress pad ... especially as it compresses ... will reduce the ability of latex to distribute body weight and relieve pressure. Thin wool pads reduce this ability less than thick wool pads.

If you talk to bedroomsandmore and tell them exactly what mattress construction you have and what you are trying to accomplish with a topper, they will confirm this and will help you choose a topper that would likely help you more than the Englander. Ask for "Chris".


This message was modified Dec 27, 2010 by Phoenix
Re: SleepEZ Mattress arrived yesterday!
Reply #12 Jan 14, 2011 7:41 PM
Joined: Oct 17, 2010
Points: 44
Well Phoenix, as you suspected adding 3" medium to the middle wouldn't solve the problem.  I have it set up 3" firm on bottom, 3" medium in the middle, and 2" medium on top.....and I still have the 3" extra firm as well.  After a week, it is hard to explain, but we still have the pressure point pain from the top still being a little too firm, but at the same time it feels like the extra firm should be underneath......but I can't really easily explain that.  I called Shawn at Sleepez......and he will send what ever I want.  I started off saying that I think we might need to go with the 2" soft on top.  I would then go back to extra firm on the bottom.....either firm or medium in the middle and soft on top.  Shawn said we won't notice much of a difference between the 2" soft and the 2" medium.  He said we would be better off with a 3" soft on top and move the 2" medium to the middle and then put the extra firm in the bottom.  My concern is this will end up too soft, but he said we could even put the extra firm in the middle.....that would give us 2" medium on the bottom, 3" extra firm in the middle, and 3" soft on top........?  I think I just confused myself. 
