Sleepez vs flobeds: am I missing something?
May 26, 2009 5:26 AM
Joined: May 26, 2009
Points: 2
I am thinking about purchasing a latex mattress and have narrowed the choices down to these two companies...I think.  But I am somewhat confused about the price and want to make sure I'm not missing something.  One company is considerably cheaper than the other, and, as far as I can tell, the products are the same.   I've read on the forum that they are both reputable companies, but I don't understand the price difference.  Can someone help me out?  Thanks!
Re: Sleepez vs flobeds: am I missing something?
Reply #3 May 29, 2009 7:04 AM
Joined: Dec 19, 2008
Points: 8
I bought from Flobeds a few months ago when they were running a good sale that made them comperable in price to Sleepez.  I spoke with both Dewey (flobeds) and Shawn (SleepEz) extensively before buying, and compared everything.

Aside from the comfort exchange policy, Flobeds offers a longer warranty period on the entire setup than SleepEz does.  I think the bottom line was SleepEz is 15 year, and Flobeds is 20 year.  You probably won't have any problems with the latex layers, but if you do it's going to be far in the future (between years 15 and 20?).

I'm pretty sure if you go with SleepEZ, they'll let you get away with a few extra exchanges if you pay the shipping both ways.  Shawn was very into customer service, as was Dewey.

As a side note, my layered latex matteress is the best surface I've ever slept none!  I've never gotten a better, more restful night's sleep.  It's worth every penny!

Re: Sleepez vs flobeds: am I missing something?
Reply #4 May 29, 2009 2:05 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
I also was allowed any price adjustments for sales between the date of purchase and the 90 day trail period. My FloBed ended out coming out cheaper than the SleepEZ Latex Bed and Pine Slat Foundation due to the price reductions since I checked daily.  The 90 day exchange policy was needed by me to tweek my bed. I also prefer Latex International Latex from what I have seen so far of latex from other companies.  My bed really had been wonderful in helping me get a good night's sleep despite the work involved in getting the latex configuration just right for me since I started out too soft and that is why I try to help others start out firmer.
Re: Sleepez vs flobeds: am I missing something?
Reply #5 Jun 6, 2009 11:04 AM
Joined: Jun 6, 2009
Points: 5

According to a rep from SleepEZ, their blended talalay comes from LI. I also noted that they are listed on the LI website, and LI is listed as supplier on the Sleep EZ web site.

Anyways, I live in Phoenix and have stopped by the SleepEZ store a few times. Low overhead is a nice way of describing the store, but I did have a chance to try the SleepEZ latex beds. I found the 1300 with the soft/medium/firm/ex-firm, to work best for my girlfriend and me.  Unfortunately it is the most expensive model. I have read about the DIY projects on this forum, but how do they know if they have the best solution if they can’t compare to the available options? With latex the biggest price difference appears to be the quantity and quality of latex. Most of the DIY products use less latex then the 1300. I found the thinner mattresses do not provide the optimal combination of support and compliance.  


I like the Flobed products and they appear to be more organized. However, for me being able to actually try the beds is a big advantage, and no shipping.
Re: Sleepez vs flobeds: am I missing something?
Reply #6 Jun 7, 2009 2:08 PM
Joined: May 29, 2009
Points: 3
Well something has changed recently as now is listed on the LI site.

However, I am still baffled as to why they do no list the LI latex ILDs.  Rather they list some
vague ILD ranges which don't correlate to LI.  Something is still not right about that.
Re: Sleepez vs flobeds: am I missing something?
Reply #7 Jun 9, 2009 7:31 PM
Joined: Jun 6, 2009
Points: 5
I noticed that Flobeds also lists a range of ILD values for each level of firmness. Whatever that might mean.
Re: Sleepez vs flobeds: am I missing something?
Reply #8 Jun 9, 2009 7:52 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
I think it is because a 36 ILD latex core will have an average of being maybe 35 to 38 since latex is natural and it is difficult to get an exact number. Latex International lists the average of the top, middle and bottom of the latex core and gives an average. That is why two of my latex cores are 37 ILD rather than 36 ILD since I asked Dave and Dewey at FloBeds to find me two latex cores on the high side of the latex ILD range for the extra firm 36 ILD latex cores. One of my Super Firm cores is 44 on average and the other is the one I prefer that is 46 on average. I like how the this information is on the tag on the bottom of the latex core.
Re: Sleepez vs flobeds: am I missing something?
Reply #9 Jun 10, 2009 11:20 AM
Joined: Jun 6, 2009
Points: 5

SleepEZ - 13000 - E KingFlobeds - Posture Deluxe - E KingComments
Price $                    2,095.00  $ 2,549.00+ 119 shipping Flobeds costs $573 more, at the moment.
Core materialsLatex international blended Talalay, not labeled by the manufacture.Latex international blended Talalay, labeled by the manufacture.I give this one to flobeds considering the additional assurance that you received what you ordered
Core componentsApproximately 3" each layer, 4 layers.Approximately 3" each layer, 3 layers. One 2 inch convoluted latex foam layer.Since the comfort factor is subjective I will not comment, but Sleep EZ is providing a thicker core with more latex.
Height13"11.25"Not a major consideration unless your existing sheets or furniture will work better with one or the other.
CoverCotton quilted to wool.Organic Cotton quilted to Organic wool.It appears that all the Flobed models come with the organic mattress covers, this would be an upgrade for SleepEZ, but with SleepEZ being cheaper, at the moment, I conclude that this is not an advantage of Flobeds. Flobeds website is confusing, most pages do not indicate that the blended latex models come with the organic cover, but the actual product page does?
Comfort adjustment90 day one layer exchange. Seller pays outgoing shipping. Buyer pays return shipping.90 day exchange. Buyer pays shipping.Flobeds appears more liberal but does not disclose that they pay outgoing shipping.

90 day full refund, buyer pays shipping.

90 day full return, buyer pays shipping.



20 years, 10 full coverage, 10 pro rated. Buyer pays shipping. Exceptions apply.

20 years, 10 full coverage, 5 at 50% coverage, and 5 at 25 percent coverage. Buyer pays shipping. Exceptions apply.

90 day price guarantySleep EZ has not had sales on the high end mattresses, and generaly has a lower prices than Flobeds, but does not offer a price guarantySales change monthly but they provide a 90 day period of adjustment, if the price decreases.I don't like idea of the price changing monthly, but they make up for it with the 90 adjustment policy. 
GoodwillAppears to have ok reputation online. Recently noted issues with visual and perceived inconsistency in latex used for split cores. No national media exposure or other validation of product. I have read about two people that visited both stores and bought flobeds. Good customer service.Appears to have a good reputation, and national media exposure/recognition. Appears to have more sophisticated operation. Good customer service. Flobeds appears to have better exposure and more well known.

After considering the comparison above, the biggest issue pushing me towards Flobeds is the lack of manufacture labeling on the Sleep EZ latex layers. It appears difficult to differentiate between types of latex and manufactures with the naked eye, which means through error or deliberate substitution they could provide something other then what you ordered.  Additionally, it leads me to believe that they are cutting the layers from cores at their facility as opposed to the manufactures facility, which would mean they re-grade the layers. The recent review noting consistency issues highlights this potential problem. Also, if you include the cost of upgrading to the SleepEZ organic cover the price difference drops to about $439.  The comparison includes assumptions and subjective observations if you have additional information or corrections please let me know.

Update: I purchase the SleepEZ 1300 and some of the layers had manufacture labels that indicated it was LI foam.


This message was modified Jul 12, 2009 by orange606
Re: Sleepez vs flobeds: am I missing something?
Reply #10 Jun 10, 2009 5:44 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
After my three price adjustments with one of the adjustments being a free pine slat box that I had paid for, my FloBeds turned out a little less expensive than the SleepEZ but I logged in each day to check out the sale prices and immediately wrote a quick email to let Dave & Dewey know they should credit my credit card. Then SleepEZ had a restocking fee and I only knew people who owned FloBeds so I did not want to take a chance on having to return the bed and pay a restocking fee.
Re: Sleepez vs flobeds: am I missing something?
Reply #11 Jun 11, 2009 7:03 AM
Joined: May 29, 2009
Points: 3
According to's suppliers page:,
they state they use multiple suppliers for their blended latex.  This might explain their range of ILDs since
they can't tell you who the manufacturer of your latex will be and hence the exact ILD. 

Are they removing the labels prior to shipping to the customer????
Re: Sleepez vs flobeds: am I missing something?
Reply #12 Jun 13, 2009 7:18 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
bubka, That would bother me if SleepEZ is removing the labels before shipping. If I was them, I would keep the labels on the latex cores especially since they already mentioned that they buy their latex cores from various suppliers.

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