Soft or Medium Topper for Firm latex core?
Mar 24, 2010 2:20 PM
Joined: Mar 24, 2010
Points: 1
I purchased a "Firm" (33-38 ILD) 6" latex core from foambymail several months ago. I've enjoyed the support the mattress offers, but as a primarily side-sleeper, I've discovered it to be a bit too firm for my hips, and would like to "sink in" just a little bit more. (Right now it often feels like there's no "give" to the mattress.)

I'm thinking a 2" topper ought to do it, but I'm not sure which firmness to select. Foambymail offers soft (20 ILD) and medium (32) options. This seems like a fairly large ILD spread (20 vs. 32) but maybe at just 2" it doesn't matter so much. 

Has anyone had experience with a soft topper over a firm core? I don't want to lose the support the firm mattress is offering, but nor do I want to find out that the medium topper really just offers more of the same density. Most of the time I'm reading that people select a topper that is one density above or below their core. 

Thanks so much - this is an excellent forum. 


Re: Soft or Medium Topper for Firm latex core?
Reply #5 Apr 2, 2010 2:49 PM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
If you are only sleeping on 6" aren't you bottoming out?  Did you mention your weight?  I think I would add 3" if you are light, and more if you are heavier.

I wouldn't get less than 24ILD blended talalay.  Anything softer than that just doesn't do much, for me anyway.   Let us know what you did and how it worked out.