So..What's the best mattress? (making a purchase soon)
May 22, 2008 11:14 AM
Joined: May 22, 2008
Points: 4
SO, I need a new mattress, and I know next to nothing about them.  And so here's the questions I'm sure you've all heard before, what's the best mattress, that will give the best restorative nights sleep, where I wake up feeling like I actually slept.  I'm not sure what kind of mattress I currently have but its quite firm and it really isn't very comfortable, I usually wake up feeling more sore and achy than when I went to bed, and I work hard manual labor.  But I read the guides about soft beds and it said that they don't provide the support that firm beds do and this can be an issue, but I can't see how a bed that makes me more stiff, achy, and sore, can be worse than something thats simply more comfortable? 

My parents have a memory foam bed (I think) and its soft, and I sleep pretty damn good in it, when I nap anyway.  Haven't had the pleasure of sleeping a whole night in it unfortunately.  So I guess I just simply need a good quality soft bed that will give me proper support?  Money isn't really an issue, because if you figure I get a better nights sleep, I have more energy to work the overtime to pay it off...

Also whats the deal with tempur-pedic, are they the best or what?  And whats the difference between them and anything else?  Are the other quality beds that are in fact better than tempur pedic?  Does anyone have any of these beds that could recommend them, or more specifically a certain type of mattress from their brand?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance


Re: So..What's the best mattress? (making a purchase soon)
Reply #6 May 24, 2008 11:46 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
Hi Dave, I think it is a smart move to go with a company that allows you to take your time to get a bed comfortable for you with exchanges and no restocking fee if it just not work for you. But for me having all the exchanges was wonderful especially when after the auto accident I preferred the bed even firmer due to the herniated disks. 

I like very firm beds so to me the firmness adviser advised me on too soft a bed.  But with the exchanges I was able to make the bed firmer like I enjoy sleeping on but having that little bit of cushion with my topper is wonderful since I am a side sleeper and now my pressure points are not hurting and I move around so much less than I used to before having a latex bed.

I think Flobeds means that if you have spit cores (like I have in a Queen size so my bed has 6 latex cores over the pine slat base with a topper over this and the wonderful soft organic cotton wool zipper cover) and if each latex core was a different ILD, you could move the cores around to find so many different latex combinations to get the perfect one for you.  There is a post on the Zone On Point that discusses this type of bed that was posted in the last few days if you want to read that post and ask more questions there.  I chose my bed without this feature so I do not know much about that feature but I worried my bed would be too soft for me if I went that route.

In my opinion, I feel you should have at least three different latex cores to start out with and have the bottom latex core be an extra firm so if the bed is too soft, you could move that to the middle of the bed.  To me the medium is way too soft but then again I like very firm beds.  To me the idea bed for you would be the 2" soft convoluted topper over a firm over an extra firm over a super firm but then again, you did say you like soft beds so maybe this would be too firm for you. Hence, If you are unsure, I would make each side medium over firm over extra firm. This way when you get the bed and if it is just right, you will be in heaven but if it is too soft, you can move the cores around to even have a firm over two extra firms to see if that makes the bed just right and then exchange the softer cores.  Or you may find that by putting the firm core on the bottom and the extra firm core in the middle of the bed with the medium on top makes the bed perfect for you.  Hence, in my opinion, get cores of three different ILD's with no soft core in the equation since the softness is provided by the topper.

There is a 90 day exchange policy meaning you can exchange latex cores as many times as you want during that time and if you still can not get it right, you can return everything before the 90 days are up to get your full money back with no restocking fee.

I do know a couple that one partner sleeps on a medium over a medium on a platform bed while the other sleeps on a firm over an extra firm over their platform bed and there was one exchange since initially one side was extra firm over extra firm. By only having two latex layers, the bed is much firmer since the latex is closer to the slats.  If they have three layers with the topper over it, I would advice a super firm on the bottom of both sides to mimic the slat box or platform bed's firmness.  I prefer three latex cores since I wanted a fatter mattress. Everyone has their preferences.

Hope this helps. Maybe others will reply that have input if they have some time over this weekend. 

Re: So..What's the best mattress? (making a purchase soon)
Reply #7 May 24, 2008 12:32 PM
Joined: May 22, 2008
Points: 4
Wow!  Thanks for the quick reply and the good/lengthy advice!  That really helps a lot, and I think I've made me decision based on it.  I believe I'll go with the 3 core and get medium, firm, extra firm.  I checked the advisor again setting my lbs at about 180 (since I'm actually a bit closer to that) and thats exactly what it advised me to do too.  I'm really happy about the 90 day exchange, that makes a big difference in my decision.  Thank you so much for your time and advice, I will read about that other post you mentioned as well.
This message was modified May 24, 2008 by dfam
Re: So..What's the best mattress? (making a purchase soon)
Reply #8 May 24, 2008 6:57 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
Dave, I am glad I could help. It makes me feel good to help others like they have helped me. I feel that is a great combination to start with and may end up being what you end up with anyway but if not at least you have a combinatin of different ILD latex cores. 

Also posting helps me take a break from cleaning my home all day so when visitors come by, I will be proud of my place and not have excuses.  :)

Re: So..What's the best mattress? (making a purchase soon)
Reply #9 Aug 2, 2008 9:14 PM
Joined: Aug 3, 2008
Points: 7
sager66 wrote:
Or . . <strong>YOU</strong> could take the initiative to review previous contributions.  Others may not agree that their time is less valuable than your own . . and your comfort preferences may be entirely different.

Get a life. He was asking for advice.

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