spring surgery required?
Mar 24, 2011 12:03 PM
Joined: Mar 24, 2011
Points: 2
im on the search for a cheap matress setup that will be reasonably comfortable here are the options that im considering:

Option 1: Buy an 's' brand matress on sale somewhere for $600ish, they are everywhere for this kinda money, i know what i'll be getting foam-coil-foam. Will be comfortable for as long as the foam stays in tact...which appears to be 1 - 12 months depending on where i read !

Option 2: Buy a cheap matress from ikea (im thinking the sultan hanestad) with 500 springs its reversable, firm and has no pillowtop. Then add some latex from foambymail to the top for a reasonable quality top layer (zoned if i feel the urge to get fancy) encased in a zip up matress cover from a walmart or similar to keep it all tidy.

I'd really like to do a full DIY build latex/foam matress but my wife wants a spring mattress base (even if it is a cheap nasty back breaker from ikea - she wont be talked out of this).

I guess my questions are if i go ahead with the Ikea option do i need to perform 'surgery' and open the matress up or can i just build my 'topper' on top of the existing matress? Any thoughts on which latex combination i should look at for the top?

Thanks in advance for the advice !

Re: spring surgery required?
Reply #3 Mar 31, 2011 8:52 AM
Joined: Mar 24, 2011
Points: 2
Im going to ikea/latex option - i figure if it doesnt work out for the the latex topper will be useful no matter what so i will only lose out on the matress. Im away for the next couple week although i will post results once i get the bed setup and have my first night sleep !

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