talalay too hard, any advice how to soften?
Nov 29, 2010 6:09 AM
Joined: Feb 8, 2010
Points: 72
I put 2" of fairly soft talalay on  top of our hard innerspring bed, and after a week of sleeping on it my wife says its too hard, and I find myself having backaches the next day even though I am very comfortable all night in the bed.

I went looking for an eggcrate just to see how softening it a bit would work, but can find only really crappy thin PU eggcrates, or fairly expensive memory foam ones.

Any suggestions on the best way to soften it a bit? I'd be tempted to try another inch of really soft latex,  don't really want to buy more expensive latex after my results with the first piece. But I also don't see the point in covering the expensive latex we have now with a cheaper foam, and loosing the premium latex "feel".  I can also recall hearing some theories here about using a thin layer of memory foam over latex but don't recall the details.

Re: talalay too hard, any advice how to soften?
Reply #8 Nov 30, 2010 11:14 AM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809
I know that this has no relevance to your own situation any longer ... and I'm kinda sad for you that anything that took so long and involved so much effort didn't work out in the end ... but my guess is that what you had to play with was too firm on the top and too soft on the bottom. From reading what you've previously posted about your search, my guess is that a softer and/or thinner top layer over a firmer and or thicker core layer may have resulted in both a softer more "stable" feel and better support. Even what you are sleeping on now seems to confirm that.

This "overall construction" and how it seems to "fit" for you may still prove helpful in looking for whatever is next in your ongoing journey regardless of the actual materials you may use.

I hope that you just "come across" something perfect. It's so much more fun to play at everything else when you have found something "perfect" to sleep on :)


Re: talalay too hard, any advice how to soften?
Reply #9 Nov 30, 2010 11:28 AM
Joined: Jun 12, 2010
Points: 51

i agree. i just don't have the motivation at this point to start all over again with another vendor. moving, packing and shipping those heavy, unwieldly pieces of latex is a pain. and who is to say that even a different config would work for us? i'm at this point exploring other possibilities.

Re: talalay too hard, any advice how to soften?
Reply #10 Nov 30, 2010 4:21 PM
Joined: Feb 8, 2010
Points: 72

Just was cutting through Bon Ton (dept store) and noticed they had a bunch of half price deals on mem foam topper, but still all in the $60-$200 range.  I asked the girl if they had any cheap PU foam toppers and she said they had closed them all out but might have a few orphans in the back. Came back with a king size for $29. On examination it turned out to be  1-1/2" convoluted, made-in-USA, memfoam, with an original sticker price of $110!

Maybe not Sensus but probably close enough to be worth trying, especially considering the price.

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