tempurpedic Allura versus tempurpedic cloud supreme
Nov 15, 2011 9:00 AM
Joined: Oct 19, 2011
Points: 38
can anyone who bought Tempurpedic Allura tell me how allura is compared to tempurpedic cloud supreme?


how will they hold up as time passes.

what is the thickness of various foams in them.

The salemen at all the stores I visited don't know what goes in their tempurpedics! and the thickness of different layers in the tempurpedics mattresses.

(Incredibly frustrated with ignorant people selling mattresses in retail stores)

The common reply was "SPACE AGE FOAM that NASA USES".

I don't know what to do.


(Just to recap my body statistics are:

1. weight 205 pounds

2. Side sleeping person

3. height is 6 feet 2 inches

4. low back pain due to herniated disk in low back.)

This message was modified Nov 15, 2011 by Joed
Re: tempurpedic Allura versus tempurpedic cloud supreme
Reply #5 Nov 21, 2011 9:08 AM
Joined: Nov 1, 2011
Points: 9
I had a tempurpedic mattress and the problem with them is that they sink overnight. When you wakeup you feel like you are trying to climb out of a hole. When its cool in your room the bed gets hard like a rock. So the firmness of the bed is constantly changing. For those reasons I wouldn't recomment this bed for a bad back.
This message was modified Nov 21, 2011 by a moderator
Re: tempurpedic Allura versus tempurpedic cloud supreme
Reply #6 Nov 24, 2011 8:38 AM
Joined: Jun 2, 2011
Points: 481
edwinsmoz wrote:



I had a tempurpedic mattress and the problem with them is that they sink overnight. When you wakeup you feel like you are trying to climb out of a hole. When its cool in your room the bed gets hard like a rock. So the firmness of the bed is constantly changing. For those reasons I wouldn't recomment this bed for a bad back.

Tmepurpedic beds and other memory foam beds don't keep sinking and sinking overnight.  Where did you get that from?  What model of Tempurpedic did you own?

How cool did you let your room get?  58F?  That's too cool for sleeping anyway.  Mine is 65F at night and TP is fine.

Anyrate, sinking too much just means one bought a Tempurpedic that is too soft for them.  And you will know it right away.

I'm 2 months and 2 weeks on this Cloud and doing fine!  Firmness is NOT constantly changing.  Still the best mattress ever for me.

This message was modified Nov 24, 2011 by slpngoc
Re: tempurpedic Allura versus tempurpedic cloud supreme
Reply #7 Nov 29, 2011 6:09 AM
Joined: Aug 7, 2011
Points: 15


My wife and I have had the Allura Bed since August of this year and we love it.  It is a an amazing bed and we have never slept better in our lives.  I had bad back pain for years on our old spring mattress, the pain would last all day and i just assumed i had a bad back.  After getting this bed i have been pain free since day one.  If we sleep on any other mattress we feel a very noticeable difference in quality of sleep.  I'm 6'4 and 210 and i find the bed provides more then enough support.  The Cal king is just long enough so that my feet do not dangle off.   

My best advice for you is to get one and try it out, we got ours at Mattress firm and they have a 100 night trial where you can return the bed if you do not like it, needless to say we love it and will not return it.  But every store should have this option, this way you can try the bed for yourself and you will find out for sure whether it is for you.  You can read every web site and debate it over and over, but all that means nothing as you really need to just try it out to really know what it’s like. 

A few tips, it's best to sleep in a room above 65 degrees like slpngoc said.  Do not use any mattress protector and use high thread count sheets.  We have found that putting layers between you and the mattress will decrease the effectiveness of the bed.  That's about it, I hope you enjoy the bed as much as we have.   

This message was modified Nov 29, 2011 by looking4sleep99
Re: tempurpedic Allura versus tempurpedic cloud supreme
Reply #8 Nov 29, 2011 9:52 AM
Joined: Nov 29, 2011
Points: 3
I loved the initial feel of the cloud luxe but it gave me a sore lower back in the mornings.  I decided to put a cheap egg crate foam topper on it and it really reduced my lower back pain because I think it actually made the bed firmer.  Doing this seems to defeat the purpose of the bed though (and I started getting a stiff upper back) so I'm considering trading it in for the allura since it feels more firm while still feeling soft.  The only thing I don't really like about the allura is the hard initial feel when first laying down on it, hopefully this is something you get used to.

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