Tempurpedic pricing?
Jun 22, 2011 2:32 PM
Joined: Jun 22, 2011
Points: 19
Hi everyone,

I've learned a lot from reading through the forums. I decided to go with a tempurpedic, I had one, the original bought from Brookstone long ago and really liked it. Switch to a inner spring when I got married. It's time for a new mattress for us and we decided to go for a tempurpedic. So I made the rounds at all the big mattress stores, Sleepys, Sleep Train, Mattress Discounters, etc, etc. For the most part, the big stores are asking MSRP and that's it. I know about the MAP pricing on these things so they're suppose to sell it for retail price. I walked into a smaller store and they are a legit store since they are listed on the tempurpedic website. But they are heavily discounting the mattress. For example, if I wanted the Cloud Luxe they are willing to take off $1500 without much negotiation. I will definitely go with this store not just for the price but also because the saleman was not sleazy at all unlike Sleep Train especially. So my question is, am I getting a used mattress or something. I tried pretty hard at the other stores and they wouldn't budge on price but this store is discounting. I know they can charge what they want to get a customer but has anybody had experience with tempurpedic pricing in general. Of course I will not reveal the store I went to that discounts here since I wouldn't want them to get in trouble if it's against policy but I was just surprised because other retailers would not deal, no matter what.


Re: Tempurpedic pricing?
Reply #3 Jun 23, 2011 10:32 AM
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Joined: May 13, 2011
Points: 170
ctisme wrote:

I'm certainly no expert but I would think they would have to disclose if it's used. 

Unfortunately, that doesn't mean that they *do* disclose that fact.  Check and see if they have a BBB rating.  Any idea how long this place has been in business?  I would ask them directly why they are the ONLY store that sells Tempurs below the advertised price.  You are right to be wary.


Re: Tempurpedic pricing?
Reply #4 Jun 23, 2011 10:57 AM
Joined: Jun 22, 2011
Points: 19
So I did some investigation and asked plenty of questions. I was told, the mattress is new, I could check the manufacture date on the tag. Why are they discounting the bed? Because they rather get a sale than not get a sale. The saleman disclosed that if they got caught by Tempurpedic selling the bed at a discount, their account will be pulled. In writing they will put down that the bed is new, I can have a 3 month comfort exchange, no shipping charges both ways for the exchange. I think this is just a legit dealer, the fact that I could pick any bed has me believe that I'm not getting some left over used bed in the back. I was told I could call tempurpedic to verify the warranty and they will put in writing that I get the full 20 year tempurpedic warranty.

I think it just boils down to a dealer trying to compete against the big boys of Sleepys, that rather make a couple of hundred bucks than get no sale at all. Bottom line, everything is negotiable, no matter what..haha..

Re: Tempurpedic pricing?
Reply #5 Jun 23, 2011 11:14 PM
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Joined: May 13, 2011
Points: 170
The salesman seems pretty honest to me.  They may not last as a Tempur dealer for too long, so you might want to decide soon :-)
Re: Tempurpedic pricing?
Reply #6 Jun 24, 2011 9:53 AM
Joined: Jan 5, 2011
Points: 17
Yes, I agree, hurry and buy with that kind of discount. They aren't supposed to do that. 
Re: Tempurpedic pricing?
Reply #7 Jun 24, 2011 12:41 PM
Joined: Jun 22, 2011
Points: 19
I went ahead and purchased the bed. How the transaction was handled is a bit wierd but understandable. I'm buying an adjustable base with my King size bed. Not the tempurpedic brand because it's just a rebadged Legget and Pratt or that other company, so I decided to just go with Legget and Pratt base, normal price for the base is $3000 at the stores. Online the best price I could find was $2200 delievered to your front door and an extra $150 for whitle glove. On one reciept they put the bed and base and had a full price on there. Gave me a separate recipt for the beds only at full retail price for warranty reasons. Basically, how they did it was they gave me a Legget and Pratt Prodigy base for $400. I consider that at a minium $1800 discount since I would of bought the base online for $2200. There must be a huge margin on these beds and bases cause I know I could of squeeze more out of them if I played hardball but they already hit my price point and at some point you just have to be happy with the price and not quibble over a couple of dollars. I was all set on paying the $3200 for the tempurpedic base until I came onto this fourm and saw people talk about the different bases. The prodigy has way more options that the tempurpedic base and it's much, much cheaper. On a side note, I don't think the sale was contingent upon the base though, when I said I would take no base, he gave me a price of about $1500 off retail for the bed alone. And to think I was happy to get $200 worth of free pillows at Sleepys and they would of thrown in another $200 of pillows if I bought the tempurpedic adjustable base..haha..
Re: Tempurpedic pricing?
Reply #8 Jun 24, 2011 7:34 PM
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Joined: May 13, 2011
Points: 170
Congrats on the good score!  A little bit of online research can help you make informed decisions.  Enjoy!

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