Tempurpedics -sky high prices and fancy words
Sep 13, 2011 12:23 PM
Joined: Sep 13, 2011
Points: 3
I read the forums.

what is inside the tempurpedics? It says space age foam? what is that? Why does temperpedic does not list what is inside their mattress? whya re they so expensive?

I wish I could fork out 8000 dollars for high end tempurpedic. But I don't have that money.

why do tempurpedic have endless phone numbers? I get a pamphlet every month.

Burn money on advertisements and endless phone numbers and then have so high prices and take that money from buyers? I mean buyers are supporting their advertising budget by paying so high prices.

Have they got any commonsense? That if they do not advertised so much they could reduce the prices and more people can afford to buy their "SPACE FOAM"! whatever that means.


Re: Tempurpedics -sky high prices and fancy words
Reply #20 Sep 19, 2011 9:33 AM
Joined: Jun 2, 2011
Points: 481
montana wrote:


wait sometime all that support you fantasize will disapear soon underneath you! Just like Gaddafi's in libya haha. only joking.

I have owned 3 tempurpedics high and low ends and they felt good in begining and then they melted underneath me and I was sinking and sinking. Before I knew, I was down and out waking with intolerable pains.

You are on honeymoon now with your tempurpedics and singing praises of it like a new bride. wait more and her real nature will show up soon buddy.  Honeymoon period with tempurpedics does not last long as I found out.  good luck.  lol.

1st post -

"I wish I could fork out 8000 dollars for high end tempurpedic. But I don't have that money."

So, OP, which TP models did you own?


This message was modified Sep 26, 2011 by slpngoc

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