Is there ANY flippable spring mattresses out there? Pls help..
Nov 13, 2009 9:45 AM
Joined: Nov 13, 2009
Points: 4
Hi everyone,

My first post here...
I think I've pretty much read this entire forum over the last week.  Thanks a million, all of you, for all the fantastic information and advice.  Saved me from buying an expensive pillow-top that I'm sure I would have lived to regret.

I originally tried out some beds at Sleep Country, thought I knew what I wanted.  Did a little googling, discovered this site.  Became overwhelmed and confused, bit of a case of information overload. :)
BUT, after mulling it all over I've decided what I want:

  • a firm-as-possible, good quality spring mattress that will last  (high coil count, low guage, no pillowtop, little topping as possible)
  • topped with latex, maybe 1 or 2 inches.. not sure what I'll like best.

SO now, my conundrum.  I have called all the local furniture places.  Not a single one of them sells a "flippable" spring mattress.  Of course the sales people are trying to explain that it's not necessary any more with this "new construction", but I hear so many people unhappy with the non-flip beds, and wondering why their last "flippable" lasted 15 years, so I'm not real keen.

Do any of you have a fantastic non-flip spring mattress? 
Do you think it's true that it's not necessary to flip.. or is that just bs to sell an inferior product?
Do you know what manufacturer might make/sell a "flippable" to me?  I'm in Western Canada by the way..

Thanks so much in advance.
Re: Is there ANY flippable spring mattresses out there? Pls help..
Reply #3 Nov 21, 2009 1:44 PM
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 191
I think this is the link that Kimberlyh meant-


Re: Is there ANY flippable spring mattresses out there? Pls help..
Reply #4 Nov 21, 2009 4:59 PM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
Yes, that is the one I meant. 
Re: Is there ANY flippable spring mattresses out there? Pls help..
Reply #5 Nov 22, 2009 7:52 PM
Location: Yosemite area
Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Points: 249
I agree with Kimberly.  Find a local mattress maker and decide what kind of springs you like...they do feel different.  My bed was custom made, with offset coils in a low gauge, and cotton batting over it, then some HR foam on top.  Nice and comfy and long lasting.  Generally the custom bedmakers charge less than the big names because you don't have so many middlepeople taking their cuts along the way.  I was pleasantly surprised.
Good luck!

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