Is there anyone on this forum who is totally satisfied with their latex beds?
Feb 16, 2011 9:33 AM
Joined: Feb 15, 2011
Points: 50
Is there anyone on the forum who is totally satisfied with their latex beds. If so, Please mention what kind of latex, your body and health statistics and from whom did you buy the bed from?

If you were or are not totally satisfied please tell what would have made you totally satisfied with your latex bed purchase.

Thank you in advance.

Re: Is there anyone on this forum who is totally satisfied with their latex beds?
Reply #6 Feb 17, 2011 10:02 AM
Joined: Feb 15, 2011
Points: 50
Philip wrote:


Well, J.Khurana, 


really don't know why I am bothering to respond again as I don't think you really want any answers to those questions about latex beds or pillows. 

You asked on this and on at least one other thread if anyone really liked their bed.  I responded positively, as did others.  You asked in another thread if anyone knew of a good soft pillow.  When someone suggested a down pillow, you basically "dissed" his response.   

On the slim chance that you really are looking for answers, I will say: 

      don't get so hung up on the words soft, medium, and firm.  these terms are suggestive and vary amongst different suppliers.  A single piece of latex can have different ild's when measured at different points. 

       you will NEVER be able to choose what might be right for you by simply asking everyone to TELL you what to do.  find a place to try one out and decide for yourself. 



If you think I am like that, when I am not in truth,  then why are you following my threads so keenly? Everyone is free to ask a question as they think. This is a free country.

Obviously, A soft Dunlop can never be of 30ILD. I am pretty sure almost everyone will agree to that. The thing with savvyrest is that you are stuck with the bed if you buy from them and I don't wanna buy from savvyrest since I can't return anything and their Soft Dunlop is 30ILD! My god, It is a piece of solid rock. I might as well sleep on the floor like the homeless and not spend any money on a 30ILD dunlop (soft). no offense against anyone.

This message was modified Feb 17, 2011 by xyz1ab
Re: Is there anyone on this forum who is totally satisfied with their latex beds?
Reply #7 Feb 17, 2011 10:35 AM
Joined: Jul 14, 2008
Points: 64
even though you deleted the thread, don't you think an apology is in order?
This message was modified Feb 17, 2011 by Philip
Re: Is there anyone on this forum who is totally satisfied with their latex beds?
Reply #8 Feb 18, 2011 3:07 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
xyz1ab, I know a couple that has the FloBed and one partner has his side very soft and the other had his side very firm.  They both sleep with the 2" soft convoluted topper over their layers.  I could not sleep with that topper since it was too soft for me.  I really feel if you like a soft bed, you need at least a medium to firm layer under the 2" convoluted topper.  It was frustrating going firmer and firmer and I wish I listened to my needs and started off very firm. It was just I had been sleeping on that hard floor for so long when my platform bed collapsed and then I was allergic tot he bed I bought in the show room that had treated suede and polurthane on it and was not natural latex like I was told  So since it was my busy season and I was sleeping on a 1" latex topper I bought over my exercise matt over the carpetted floor and was at least comfortable, I felt I needed a softer floor. I was unable to sleep directly on the carpetted floor and needed to toppers to give me some cushon so I mistakenly believed that FloBeds was correct in the choices they chose intially for my bed. Since I am not quite 5 feet tall, the 1" topper is giving me enough cushion.  Maybe if I was a bigger person, I would have liked the soft 2" topper.  I tried no topper and the bed was too hard and going with softer layers, just hurt my back so I found what worked for me. I love the feel of the cushion on top of my bed and to me it is comfortable.  FloBed's Xfirm is 36 ILD on the average and their Super Firm is 44 on the average.  One side of my bed is slightly firmer due to the range in ILD's since they are never exact. 

Good luck with your search for a good night's sleep.

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