Thought I would give 1/4" plywood a case the 1/8" proves to be too flexible...
Oct 3, 2007 3:32 PM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 690
Even though my 1/8" flexible sheet of door skin plywood is doing its job in keeping my mattress firm....the "obsessed ME" had to go and buy a 1/4" sheet of regular plywood JUST IN CASE the other one became TOO flexible. I knew that once I had this surgery on the 8th, I wouldn't be able to lift or doing anything strenuous for about 6 weeks. So, better safe than sorry! I kept my 1/8" piece in case the 1/4" proves to be too firm. If I like the 1/4", then I'll just put the 1/8" in my husband's mattress over the existing 1/8" sheet he has. That way we would both have the same plywood thicknesses.

Two dumb things I did: First of all, I don't know WHERE I got the number 70", but I told the guy to cut it that length x 3 feet wide. Well, when I got home the thing was too SHORT! WHAT was I thinking??? I should have known that I them cut it 78" last time! Shees. My XL twin is 79"! Well, luckily, I had some "spare" pieces from when they ripped the plywood. I just cut an 8" piece the same width and laid in toward the head of my mattress, under the pillow area. I duct taped it onto the larger piece so the rough edges wouldn't cut into my PU foam which would be lying on top of it. I hope that Mickey-Moused patch job works. At least most of my weight will be over the larger sheet.

The other dumb thing I did: Not knowing if the 1/4" sheet would end up being too flexible, as WELL...I also bought a sheet of 1/2" plywood. That's VERY firm and definitely heavier. And, of course, I had them cut it too short. Arrrghhh. But, aside from that, when I got it home I realized it was ridiculous to have such a thick and rigid piece of wood on top of my coils. Enough is enough! After all, if I happened to bottom out on my comfort layers, it would feel like the FLOOR underneath. So, I took that outside and set it under the garbage receptacle. A waste of $38. Live and learn.
Re: Thought I would give 1/4" plywood a case the 1/8" proves to be too flexible...
Reply #2 Oct 4, 2007 3:20 PM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 690
Thanks for asking, Lynn. I hope to have the back pain issue solved when I have surgery on Monday. I'll have the huge ovarian cyst out that's pressing on my back. It's beginning to be very uncomfortable, both in bed and when I walk or sit.

As for any mattress-related back pain, it definitely isn't there like it was when I was just sleeping on the LuraFlex coils. The 1/8" sheet of super-thin plywood has really helped firm things up. In fact, like I noted in my original post, I thought I would try a thicker sheet of more rigid plywood at 1/4". Well, I tried it last night and I think it made my mattress feel TOO firm. I could slightly feel the very hard mattress under the layers. So, I stuck the thinner one back in. I'll see how it goes tonight. With this cyst, it's kind of hard knowing if the pain is related just to that or my mattress. Hopefully, when it's gone, I'll have a better idea.

Lynn2006 wrote:
BeddyBye, Are you sleeping better now with less pain?  Just checking in for an update. 

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