Ultra-Fresh in Wool topper and memory foam and Dunlop
Feb 10, 2009 9:53 AM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
I thought someone who is concerned (as I am) about Ultra-Fresh being applied to your sleeping products might be interested. I have found this product on Memory foam, Dunlop foam (read online), and humidifers. I am not happy about it and find it vague and they won't tell you what chemicals that they are using. The emails are a mess to read, sorry.


Very light and safe levels of Ultra-Fresh are the only treatment on our wool.


----- Original Message -
To: <customerservice@snugfleece.com>
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2009 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: SnugFleece wool topper

> SFW,
> Can you tell me if there is no other treatment on the SnugFleece like flame retardants?
> Here is an email reply I received that told me nothing to make me feel any more confident.
> Thanks for your help. I see more and more products adding this to their product. I don't think it is necessary, particularly since wool is suppose to be good all by itself.
> Thomson Research Associates offer a number of antimicrobial treatments to be used by manufacturers. In North America these treatments are registered with either the US EPA or a branch of Health Canada after being reviewed for safety and efficacy. For the protection of a "wool topper" any of a number of Ultra-Fresh treatments may have been used. I am therefore at a loss to provide more specific information.
> If you are not comfortable with an antimicrobial treatment on the wool topper then I would suggest that you purchase one without such a treatment.
> Regards,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ultra-Fresh
> I am trying to find out what Ultra-Fresh is. I researched on the web, and it does not tell you what the ingredients are. Where is the materials data sheet? I want to know if I want this on my wool topper I was going to buy. I don't like chemicals that are not listed :-) I appreciate any information on ingredients, not what it is suppose to do.
> I read that already.
> Thanks
> --- On Mon, 2/9/09, customerservice@snugfleece.com <customerservice@snugfleece.com> wrote:
>> From: customerservice@snugfleece.com <customerservice@snugfleece.com>
>> Subject: Re: SnugFleece wool topper
>> Date: Monday, February 9, 2009, 1:23 PM
>> No...all our products are treated.
>> I can't remember right off the top of my head but I
>> believe that Ultra-Fresh
>> has been around since the 50's...www.ultra-fresh.com
>> Regards
>> SFW
>> ----- Original Message ----- F
>> To: <customerservice@snugfleece.com>
>> Sent: Monday, February 09, 2009 11:48 AM
>> Subject: Re: SnugFleece wool topper
>> >
>> > SFW,
>> >
>> > But Ultra-Fresh hasn't been around for 25 years.
>> How long have you been
>> > using that? So I can't order a SungFleece without
>> the chemical additive?
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> >
>> >
>> > --- On Mon, 2/9/09, customerservice@snugfleece.com
>> > <customerservice@snugfleece.com> wrote:
>> >
>> >> From: customerservice@snugfleece.com
>> <customerservice@snugfleece.com>
>> >> Subject: Re: SnugFleece wool topper
>> >> Date: Monday, February 9, 2009, 9:39 AM
>> >>
>> >> Very safe...no need to worry, chemical sensitive
>> consumers
>> >> have been sleeping on our covers for over 25
>> years.
>> >>
>> >> Regards,
>> >> SFW
>> >> ----- Original Message ----- From:

>> >> <gr382@yahoo.com>
>> >> To: <customerservice@snugfleece.com>
>> >> Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2009 9:53 PM
>> >> Subject: SnugFleece wool topper
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> >
>> >> > I was about to order the original SnugFleece
>> queen
>> >> wool topper, when I read you use Ultra-Fresh on
>> the wool.
>> >> Do you have any wool toppers that DO NOT have the
>> >> Ultra-Fresh applied in your warehouse I could
>> purchase? I
>> >> don't want any chemicals on this fine looking
>> product.
>> >> >
Re: Ultra-Fresh in Wool topper and memory foam and Dunlop
Reply #7 Aug 26, 2010 10:52 PM
Joined: Aug 27, 2010
Points: 1
Philip wrote:
Leo (and anyone who might be interested),

I posted the previous reply without doing enough research.

One form of ultrafresh, ultrafresh dm-50 is tributyltin maleate, another is ultrafresh nm-100, more commonly known as triclosan. This chemical has been approved for use in fibers by OKO-TEX, a highly respected Swiss testing organization. Yet another form of ultrafresh is ultrafresh xq-32. I have not found anything more about it.

I guess that I can either be sleeping on something that is an endocrine disrupter or something used as a component of hand soap.

Whatever the case, I can definitely say that it is a very comfortable mattress pad.

Thank you, thank you for this information. It is a comfortable mattress indeed, but now knowing I've been sleeping on tricolsan or tributyltin maleate makes it perfectly clear to me why I got so sick within 2 weeks of sleeping on this dunlop mattress. I have been sick for 4 years now. I have multiple chemical sensitivity. It is severe, I am housebound & in constant pain. The first clue was the shortness of breath. Wouldn't go away, no doctor could explain it. Then the crushing fatigue, I was a dance teacher & could suddenly not walk straight - and quickly not at all. I am so sick after sleeping on this mattress 3 years, but I became sick in much less than 1 month of it's arrival. I have been off it a year but MCS does not disappear so quickly & I have a long road to recovery if ever I do (most don't). Be so careful of what you sleep on, the flame retardants in mattresses are health hazard enough but if you see anything marked "ultra-fresh" remember my story & I hope you will be luckier than I.
This message was modified Aug 26, 2010 by bibbidee
Re: Ultra-Fresh in Wool topper and memory foam and Dunlop
Reply #8 Sep 1, 2010 8:31 PM
Joined: Aug 28, 2010
Points: 3
 I am not ok with this either- does latex green use this in it's dunlop? It may not be a problem at all but I would rather be as chemical free as possible. I googled "ultra-fresh" and found several websites saying they were selling "organic" mattresses treated with ultrafresh. 

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