What are the ILD ratings of latex layers of Savvy Rest?
Oct 9, 2011 5:49 PM
Joined: May 22, 2011
Points: 5
I read on this forum that the "soft" is 30 ILD. That seems higher than what generally is discussed as "soft". Anyone know?
This message was modified Oct 10, 2011 by RioTubes
Re: What are the ILD ratings of latex layers of Savvy Rest?
Reply #3 Nov 20, 2011 5:22 PM
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Joined: May 13, 2011
Points: 170
I have the all Dunlop Savvy Rest in Firm, Medium, Soft and it's FIRM.  It feels firmer than the one I tried in the store.  I've had it five months and no sagging or indentations.  The mattress is on a super solid wood platform bed.
Re: What are the ILD ratings of latex layers of Savvy Rest?
Reply #4 Feb 17, 2014 6:19 PM
Joined: Feb 17, 2014
Points: 1
For the past week now I have been reading every post I could find on the internet related to latex mattresses. I came to the conclusion, as others have stated that you really nead to just go to some stores and lay on a few beds to ge a feel as to what feels best to "me". So today I got in my truck and drove an hour away to a savyrest store called the Natural Sleep Shop and spent all afternoon laying on different beds with different configurations. My old bed is a firm boxspring that I like but but my lower back has a little bit of a void when I sleep on my back, and when I sleep on my side ( 30% of the time, back 70%) my shoulder and arm get numb. I am a male 5'11 and weigh 160 pounds, so, average I guess. Heres my question to those out there that have layed on Savyrest Beds and compared them to other beds.  I was wanting to do a DIY bed and their is nobody else around to compare them with so I'm back to square 1 as not knowing what to buy on the internet. Because savyrest  ILD range is so broad, as stated above, I really dont know what I was laying on. For example Plushbeds rate their soft as 19-21, medium, 24-26, and firm 29-31 in talalay, while Savyrest's dunlop soft is like 21- 30 which is in the whole range of plushbeds talalay soft medium and firm. Going in I was expecting a soft, medium and firm setup, but after laying on these they felt a lot harder than I thought they would be. When I layed on my back it was OK but when I was on my side it  wasn't much different to me than my old firm boxspring. I even tried soft talalay, soft dunlop with a firm dunlop for the 3rd layer, and it still felt to firm on my shoulder . So, for those of you that have any input on savyrest compared to others I would really appreciate it. Or if their is anyone out there with my build and sleeping habits that already have a latex bed and like it your inpute would be treasured.

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