What do you think of waterbeds for someone with back and neck fusions
Apr 21, 2008 5:32 AM
Joined: Mar 31, 2008
Points: 17
I was wondering of other's opinions of waterbeds out there.  As most know I am tryhing to find someting that my husband would be comfortable to sleep on with his bad back and neck due to a car accident.  He has had both neck and lower back fusion and with not much success I am wondering about waterbeds.  Opinions please.



Re: What do you think of waterbeds for someone with back and neck fusions
Reply #1 May 7, 2008 5:12 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I would not be afraid to buy a waterbed - or "flotation sleep system" as I think they now call them! They've come a long way from the old water bags of old.

I don't really know but I THINK that a properly filled water flotation mattress system could work. I myself would like to try one if I had the money to invest. Does flobeds still sell water beds? Do they offer a sleep trial with these?

Please let us know, here, if you try one.

Re: What do you think of waterbeds for someone with back and neck fusions
Reply #2 May 8, 2008 5:18 AM
Joined: Mar 31, 2008
Points: 17
I would not be afraid to buy a waterbed - or "flotation sleep system" as I think they now call them! They've come a long way from the old water bags of old.

I don't really know but I THINK that a properly filled water flotation mattress system could work. I myself would like to try one if I had the money to invest. Does flobeds still sell water beds? Do they offer a sleep trial with these?

I looked at Flobeds website and they do carry them and have several different models.  They also stated "We know we can make our bed "Just Right", or we'll give your money back. I think though my husband would want to try them out around here as we wouldn't know which one to pick from the website.  Although I may show him the website to see what he thinks.  I also called Land and Sky asking about waterbeds and they suggested we look at their adjustable bed which we plan on doing when he takes some vacation days.  I will let you know what he thinks when he tries them out.


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