What makes a bed 'hot'?
Oct 9, 2011 10:33 AM
Joined: Aug 24, 2011
Points: 32
What makes a bed 'hot'?   

Poly foam?   Poly fill?   Latex?   Down feathers?  


This message was modified Mar 2, 2016 by greenacres
Re: What makes a bed 'hot'?
Reply #9 Nov 22, 2011 10:21 AM
Joined: Nov 19, 2011
Points: 76
I really like this series of posts! I don't have all the answers, but here are some thoughts:

  • Being hot is, as previulosly stated, a combinatino of factors: ambient temp, humidity, mattress materials, linens, etc. including how far you sink into a mattress... the less exposed skin to air immediately changes your response to "heat".
  • Remember, the heat is primarily what is reflected back at you while you are in the bed (which is why directly under you is the warmest)
  • Stearns does actually use either Silk or Cashmere in their tops to aid in the breathability process
  • Latex, by the design process, has hundreds of holes throughout (top to bottom) to help in the circulation and should theoretically help the heat from building up.
  • Memory foam (regardless of brand) does have the most amount of surface to skin coverage (although Tempur's claim to "consistent and equal" cell size does seem to hold a better breathability option) so during your first couple of months while you and your mattress condition each other you may experience more heat than usual.
  • Anything that provides more loft (squishiness or softness on top) usually provides a deeper pocket for you to fit into while in bed. the more dense material that pocket is created with , usually the warmer you will feel as well.
  • Most people when getting into almost ANY new mattress experience the sensation that athletes experience when trying new equipment: they use different muscles or use them differently and experience higher caloric burn while they adjust to the routine. If your last bed sagged, dipped or was too hard and your new one feels (excluding the temp) just right... you WILL experience several weeks of higher temps while your back muscles adjust to the new support, because of the increased blood lfow and deeper sleep (the body is actually working harder when you sleep deeper)... break the bed in, condition it, the more layers of any type of foam still havetiny bubbles that probably still need to be opened. Walk on it if you need to in order to expedite the conditioning period

"Wow, Guy, you are just repeating what most everyone else is saying!" Yes, and no. did you ever wonder why retailers carry from 30 to 200 different mattress, feels and brands? It is because no two of us are the same. We can find similarities between us and some things that work for others work for us too, but the opposite is also ture: some things that work for others don't work for us. Here is my suggestion:

Find the comfortable mattress, find the linen package that works for you. adjust the amount of layers you have (compared to traditional mattress if you are on any type of foam or aternative), change your sleeping attire if necessary. If you go back to shop, ask the consultant any questions you may have, then ask them to leave you alone while you test the ones that you like the best... your body tells you more than your mind will when shopping for a mattress, we just have to listen.

Sleep Well "neiman"!

Re: What makes a bed 'hot'?
Reply #10 Feb 20, 2012 2:21 PM
Joined: Jan 20, 2012
Points: 8
My bed was way too hot with a cotton covered polyester fiberfill mattress pad. I switched to a 100% cotton filled and cotton covered   mattress pad and it is much cooler.I bought it at bed Bath and Beyond . Cotton covers are also cooler than synthetics or wool.
Re: What makes a bed 'hot'?
Reply #11 Aug 13, 2012 9:51 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2009
Points: 69
In addition to the foams, not using a waterproof mattress protector that you wash often can make a bed hot. Using a mattress protector that doesn't breathe well can also make a mattress hot.


Buy some bamboo sheets. They'll change your life from a temperature standpoint.

Re: What makes a bed 'hot'?
Reply #12 Aug 18, 2012 9:06 AM
Joined: Mar 2, 2010
Points: 28
Having the right gilfriend or boyfriend!
Re: What makes a bed 'hot'?
Reply #13 Aug 31, 2012 11:42 PM
Joined: Jan 17, 2012
Points: 18
How much do you weigh? It may be that any mattress you sleep on is hot- heavy people sleep hotter, no matter what mattress. Sorry to be blunt (I'm not exactly skinny myself) That being said, a lot of people don't know how cool to keep their bedrooms. About 65-68 degrees is ideal (see link)



Re: What makes a bed 'hot'?
Reply #14 Nov 15, 2021 8:59 PM
Joined: Nov 15, 2021
Points: 2
Depends what kind of mattress do you have? If it is foam, that may be the reason why it is so hot at night. I've tried all of the above. I sleep naked and I use a fan. Shedding clothes definitely helps but the fan doesn't not remove the heat between my body and the mattress. Somthing like bamboo sheets may help to reduce heat.
This message was modified Nov 16, 2021 by a moderator

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