I have a Sterns and Fosters tight top mattress. It's the base model "luxury plush" tight top mode. After reading all this, I realize that I should have probably gotten the ultra firm model with no plushness involved at all and it would have been perfect with the addition of a soft latex topper. The mattress isn't too bad overall, but I want a firmer feel to the mattress. If I spend too much time on the bed, my back hurts. I'm 215 LBS and my girlfriend is only 105 LBS. She complains that she sinks into my side of the bed when we sleep together. It's a full size bed, so there isn't much place for her to run and hide. Here's what I ordered so far:
1. foam by mail 2" medium density latex (32ILD) 2. fitted quited matterss pad (not a thinck one) I will be taking pics and documenting what's inside it for the benefit of others. I'm sure that once I open the thing up, I'll want to get more foam with mostly likely different firmness. Here is what the mattress looks like:
Here is my question: How should I make my first cut? Should I cut just below the bead at the top of the mattress so that I can open it up like a suitcase? I might want to keep the top layer of the mattress in tact. Otherwise, should I cut just above the bead on the lower part of the mattress so that I can lift up the entire top casing of the mattress? I'm a touch neverous of the operation, but I'm leaning toward the first option.
PS: I'm a physical therapist specializing in low back pain and the information that I've gained from this website over the past few years have helped many a patient from spending tons of money on mattresses they'll regret in no time. For that, my patients thank you. I just wish that I had stumbled onto this site before I made my own purchase. This message was modified Feb 28, 2013 by SJTrance
Perhaps you could slip a snug allergen cover over the mattress to bag it up/keep it together/hide the scars/keep the beasties out. GK |
Yeah, that vendor is pricey but a quick reference for shopping such covers. Another idea is a grommet kit and thin cord/bungee as lacing... but I have not thought this one through. GK |
Hi SJTrance, Can you explain what you are thinking of doing with the strap? Because it seems to me that it would just tend to smush the material together towards the shape of a circle, rather than keeping it rectangular. |
I am not sure if the sides of your mattress are rigid. That would help with straps, so the edges don't slope down due to the pull of the straps. Might be an issues even with rigid edge support. I also think you will feel the straps, and that might be uncomfortable. Let us know how it work. Someone needs to invent a good "suture" method for mattess surgery! |
So after sleeping on it for a few weeks, I decided that I needed it a tiny bit softer. So, I purchased a 1" soft latex topper from Foambymail and installed it. It feels great now and both myself and my girl are very happy. Here are some pics the setup just before the last 1" layer of topper. This message was modified Apr 9, 2013 by SJTrance
Thanks for the update. Did you ever try the straps you ordered? If so, how did it work out? |