What is the softest mattress (or topper) available?
Dec 15, 2010 1:51 PM
Joined: Dec 15, 2010
Points: 2
My wife and I were so pumped to go test out a Tempurpedic memory foam mattress today. I'm a big guy and my wife is like 100lbs. She laid down on it and I was waiting for the 'wow' factor and to my surprise hated it!!!!!!!! The first thing she said was 'it's like laying on a rock!' I tested it out and being a little bigger sunk into a little more but it wasn't like I expected. It was really hard and wasn't for us at all!

We thought we were going to lay down and squish into a cloud, but not the case. 


So my question is.......we are looking for the 'next' best type of mattress that is the softest........

We want to move on from a regular old firm mattress. Is there something that is squishy??? Possibly even a topper or different type of mattress material? I know squat about mattresses, but figured I could get help from a forum. I'd appreciate the feedback...cause I  thought memory foam was gonna be "IT" and it's not........for us anyway.






Re: What is the softest mattress (or topper) available?
Reply #5 Dec 15, 2010 4:25 PM
Joined: Oct 3, 2010
Points: 809
It depends on how the rest of your mattress is constructed and personal preferences. Without some field testing to get a sense of what works for you in terms of comfort and support it's really impossible to tell. Some people feel that 36 is too soft ... and some feel that 20 is too firm. The good thing about SLAB is that you know exactly what you're gettning. The not so good thing is that you pay more for it.


Re: What is the softest mattress (or topper) available?
Reply #6 Dec 17, 2010 7:14 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 404
Phoenix is right - a lot is going to depend on what is underneath the topper.  But I will venture to say the 15 ILD Celsion will not be too soft for your wife.  I have the 14 ILD Talatech from SLAB and I had to put an extra layer of wool on top to make it soft enough - by itself it was a bit too firm.  I weigh 105 lb.
Re: What is the softest mattress (or topper) available?
Reply #7 Feb 23, 2011 6:27 AM
Joined: Feb 23, 2011
Points: 1
I came across this searching on Google to find a mattress that is soft - very soft - pillow soft! I have Fibromyalgia, since I was 20 - I am not 55 and since an almost deadly accident I have had 5 spinal surgeries (2 cervical (neck) and 2 lumbar (back)

I live in constant debilitating pain - over all pain - it feels like it penetrates into my tissues and muscles and also my skin hurts. I could go into much more detail to describe why I need a mattress that is super soft but really bottom line is that it is crucial that I find something that will work!

My husband has had 5 low back surgeries refusing his lower spine because he was born with spondylothesis - he had his first surgery when he was 25yrs. ( he is 56) old and has since been afflicted with constant debilitating pain. - we married in January 2002 and my accident happened in April 2002 - not very fun for newly married couple.

Anyway to get back to my issue - we both need something soft -- hard mattresses just add more pain! We bought mattresses from Amazon with great hopes that they would be just the mattress we needed - for some reason you had to buy 2?? Anyway, we gave one to our son & daughter-in-law. The mattress was memory foam - supposed to be just like a Tempur-Pedic - if so then that is absolutely NOT the mattress for us - it is HARD!

I sleep on several toppers - a lamb's wool topper that was supposed to be perfect if you have Fibromyalia, a feather topper, a memory foam topper, a Simmons topper that is supposed to be good if your mattress is shot - and lastly an egg crate, It is soooo frustrating to keep adding toppers that may help just a bit but in the long run - I still wake feeling like I was hit by a freight train - my husband "fluffs" the toppers each night to make my landing as soft as possible - despite is efforts, it still does not feel SOFT!

I need HELP please! If anyone out there feels what I do and needs or has found that REALLY SOFT mattress - PLEASE let me know - I will be eternally grateful!

I am looking for a mattress that is soft not just on top or a soft topper but soft down deep - seems impossible but something soft but that has some support - i don't necessarily want to fall in and sink to the bottom but I would like to feel it very soft and pillowy. In my mind I think it would feel really nice to have some kind of mattress top that is filled with warm gel that you would gently sink into and that cradle you and not put any pressure on your body at all. Well, I can dream - right?? I wish someone would invent something like this for all of us who suffer with Fibromyalgia. 

I'll be checking back to see if anyone has a solution - thanks much and God bless!

This message was modified Feb 23, 2011 by a moderator
Re: What is the softest mattress (or topper) available?
Reply #8 Apr 25, 2011 7:31 PM
Joined: Apr 15, 2011
Points: 163
Searching around, I came across a reference to Fibrobed that is supposed to be recommended for folks who suffer from fibromyalgia, or similar pain conditions. I haven't tried it myself, but found some reviews from folks who said it helped them. You might want to check into that. Here's a link:


Good luck with your search!

Re: What is the softest mattress (or topper) available?
Reply #9 Apr 30, 2011 8:29 PM
Joined: Mar 2, 2011
Points: 14
I know that a Convoluted 14ILD is available as per Flowbeds---they use a convoluted 28 as a top layer.  I was told that they could get the 14 convoluted as well.  I am still trying to figure out what manufacture does this.
Re: What is the softest mattress (or topper) available?
Reply #10 May 1, 2011 3:51 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I think - just my opinion, I have no test results or anything to confirm this - that Tempurpedic tends to be bad for heavier people or people who have sleep "issues" such as bad backs etc. I know their ubiquitous advertising states otherwise...

One thing about Tempurpedic is that it is very changeable by the temperature. Unless you keep your bedroom at a steady temp it's going to be softer or harder depending on if it's hot or cold, respectively. I also hate that they use a lot of formaldehyde in their foam. What can I say? I tried one and hated it. (I weighed about 160 when I tried it a few years ago.)

There are other visco foams out there now that are soy based and have a quicker response time and are not so affected by the temperature of the room. There are some soy based foams that are also 6lb - maybe even 7lb - density which I feel should provide more support, and if they don't have that "sinking into mud" property that Temp. has, they theoretically should be better. I have not tried them.

I saw an Englander the other day that was 37% latex and had some memory foam, soy based PU foam and organic cotton cover in the queen for $1000. I must say I was tempted by it at that price. They were having a half off price at the store I went in.

With the difference in weight and feels between you and your wife, I really think you probably need to go to 2 extra long twins side by side (like a King but with 2 seperate mattresses) or something like a Flobeds where you can each have your own firmness.

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