what's best bed to stop movement?
Mar 14, 2010 11:01 PM
Joined: Mar 15, 2010
Points: 6
I hate feeling like I'm almost asleep and then my partener moves, waking me up... and it happens over and over, until my body says ok give up not going to sleep now.  I have a queen "bowling ball bed" from Sears, 2002, and we decided screw it this summer getting a king, I so need my room, and I'm trying to do some research.  I definatly want the best.  What is honestly good for movement?
Re: what's best bed to stop movement?
Reply #5 Mar 16, 2010 7:18 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
electracat wrote:

hi jim,

i haven't posted in a while, but am going to soon. I love my new bed! However, it hasn't solved the problem of motion, for me. Yes, there is almost no motion in my latex/PU foam mattress, but apparently that's not enough for my neurotic self; i need absolutely NO motion--otherwise i awaken all night!

So, I'm considering doing what you're doing, with two twin beds. My question is, do you have separate frames, too? Because i think that two mattresses on one frame will still cause some motion--very little, of course, but still. I'm sure it's not the most romantic solution, but i want to still sleep next to my partner, and that's not happening right now!




Hi electracat!

Yes, we use twin beds, totally separated by about 8". It's easy enough to "cross over" for a visit when we feel the urge to do so.

Anyway, yes, I am also "neurotically" awakened by ANY movement so even if we had a king with no motion transfer, her moving and pulling the sheets and blankets was a problem for me, plus she has "restless leg syndrome". AND she likes no covers on her feet, whereas I like EXTRA covers on my feet!

SO: we had to have seperate beds. There is just no way around having seperate beds, because without them I'd get no sleep and I already get little at times due to back and shoulder pain and difficulty finding a good configuration for my DIY mattress.

We do not use frames though. I don't like frames. We just sit the old Sealy Box Springs on the floor and put the mattress on that. There really is no reason for a frame imho. Some people like to store junk under there, (and we could use the extra space), BUT it also contributes to dust mites when you have storage under the bed, so it's best for me not to, as I'm allergic to dust.

Re: what's best bed to stop movement?
Reply #6 Mar 16, 2010 7:50 PM
Joined: Nov 4, 2008
Points: 223

good to know i'm not the only neurotic sleeper out there. ;) 

I mentioned frames (or platform, i guess) in case we got latex/pu mattresses...otherwise, yes, i guess box springs would be fine. Cheaper, too. So frustrating....I have this new beautiful platform bed, with the great latex/pu DIY mattress, and i *still* can't share it! I'll post in another thread about my love for the mattress. 

Thanks, and sweet dreams!


Re: what's best bed to stop movement?
Reply #7 Mar 16, 2010 8:42 PM
Joined: Dec 17, 2009
Points: 850
latex definitely doesn't transfer a whole lot of movement from one side to another.  i hate to say it but the very best mattress in this one aspect is something like a Tempur-Pedic...although good latex has so many other wonderful benefits to it.

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