Where to buy St. Dormeir mattress protector?
Oct 17, 2011 7:33 PM
Joined: Aug 14, 2011
Points: 9
The manufacturer only sells to retailers. I see that flobeds, and snuggledown both sell them. Any other reputable online vendors that sell that product? Thanks, pimy
Re: Where to buy St. Dormeir mattress protector?
Reply #1 Oct 18, 2011 9:14 AM
Joined: Aug 5, 2010
Points: 227
pimy wrote:

The manufacturer only sells to retailers. I see that flobeds, and snuggledown both sell them. Any other reputable online vendors that sell that product? Thanks, pimy

This is where I bought mine.   They were great.  It might have taken a while (I can't remember) but everything went fine and it is a great product.

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