Which mattress?
May 7, 2010 2:38 AM
Joined: Mar 8, 2010
Points: 65
I went to Gardner mattress is Salem, MA and told them I was a stomach and side sleeper (equally).  They suggested an inner-sping mattres (they're made without more than an inch of PU and are hand tied).  The one they suggested was firm and felt good for stomach sleeping but there was another one there with 2" of latex which felt better on my side. 


Im dealing with the typical Sleepy's mattress which has a huge crater in the entire mattress except the edges and I'm wondering if I get the Garnder mattress with the latex if that would break down too. 


Should I start with the firmer Gardner mattress?  Will it get softer which would be good?  Or should I go with the one that feels better new - the one with the latex?  I won't be performing "mattress surgery" so i need to make a good choice.  Here's their link, it's the ones that are hand-tied.  Thank you for any suggestions




Re: Which mattress?
Reply #6 May 9, 2010 5:05 AM
Joined: Oct 13, 2009
Points: 156
I am not that familiar with pocket coil mattresses, but have read that they MIGHT breakdown a bit sooner than regular coils,  In any event, I'm sure that whatever choice you make at Gardner Mattress, it will be a well made product and much better than any of the "S" brand mattresses.  I think you are wise to avoid any PU foam and go with the latex.  I had forgotten that their pocket coil mattress also had a top layer of latex.   Good luck with your purchase and let us know how you like it after a while.
Re: Which mattress?
Reply #7 May 20, 2010 10:21 PM
Joined: May 18, 2010
Points: 49
a grand for a hard mattress with coils?, then only 2 inches of latex?. somebody got cheated. You could have just bought a firm cheap Serta at Big Lotts for $300, then put a $200 topper on it. Or went to Foambymail, and got an all natural Talaly Latex 6" core for under $500, and still added a softer talaly top layer for well under a grand. With SleepEz, you can unzip your mattress and know what's in it, and see all the wonderful layers of latex. I got one for $995.

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