Why can some people not tolerate latex mattress?
Jul 11, 2011 4:35 PM
Joined: Jun 8, 2011
Points: 100
One additional question for you guys.......

I'm thinking that maybe my husband and I are just those people that cannot really do a latex mattress. Or we just cannot get comfortable in it.

I've read things here and there about the fact that some people just cannot tolerate latex mattresses? Could someone elaborate on what that means? Or why that is?


Thank you!

Re: Why can some people not tolerate latex mattress?
Reply #3 Jul 13, 2011 4:13 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
My wife and I are two people who cannot tolerate any kind of foam without springs or something spring-like under it. It's not just latex.

We did try a flobeds and could not get comfortable on it.

We tried untold hundreds of combinations of latex and/or pu foam and/or memory foam and though we could "tolerate" them we did not find them comfortable enough to live with.

Finally my wife convinced me that springs were what were missing, we tried a few spring mattresses and those did not work either. We figured out that the pu foam in the mattresses was the problem so we hit on the idea of mattress surgery and replacing the pu foam with latex.

For us, using latex over springs has been the best mattress we've been able to come up with. That said, we still do have issues and have to adjust the latex layers, sometimes add or change a layer to try to get it right.

But I definitely do not like sleeping on any kind of mattress without springs. (Except for maybe a water bed.)

Re: Why can some people not tolerate latex mattress?
Reply #4 Jul 15, 2011 5:40 PM
Joined: Sep 18, 2010
Points: 59
Hi Jim, I've been following your saga for years, thanks for all the posts.  I can't remember now what spring mattresses you have tried.  Would you mind saying again?   I'm just wondering if you tried a Mcroskey or a CH Beckley, or anything like that.  Or if it was all just surgery. Thanks!
This message was modified Jul 15, 2011 by Angel

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