Why I haven't been posting ...
Jun 27, 2008 6:42 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
I haven't been posting here for quite a while because basically I came to the conclusion that there is no bed, no combination of foam or springs, that will solve my back problem or even make it substantitally better.

After playing with my layers of HR Foam for many months, using memory foam and latex and Olmifon (?) toppers, with springs, without springs, zoned, not zoned, etc. etc. etc.... I just finally came to the conclusion that nothing is going to work for me.

For those who may be reading this and don't know why I say this, it's that I developed some kind of weird back and shoulder condtion after a whiplash accident about 3 years ago, and since then I have developed tingling in both arms, on top of the pain, and nothing I do seems to make it better.

Yes I've tried physical therapy (2), chiropractic (2), massage, and exercises of various types. I've had MRI's, ultrasound, nerve conduction studies and xrays...

The neurologist told me yes, there's something wrong with my upper body but he doesn't know what it is and the tests don't show anything so the best he can do is recommend acupuncture or acupressure or trigger point therapy. I have an appt. scheduled for that but 1) I'm not that hopeful about it because I've had acupuncture already; and 2) I got laid off from my job and my insurance will end in another month or so which won't give me much time to get more than a few sessions in under my insurance and after that I won't be able to afford it.

So, there you go.

I will say, though, that my wife is VERY pleased with our "home made" bed which is a deconstructed Sealy Fenway with HR foam and latex topper.Here's a thread about  how we did it:




After years of research on this, I believe that either something like a FloBed (if you like the feel of latex - I don't), or creating your own foam mattress with HR Foam and various latex or memory foam toppers is way better than 99% of all the mattresses on the market. All the "S" brand mattresses (yes, ALL of them!) are crap, and you're wasting your money. Even most of the high end spin-offs of "S" brand mattresses are crapola. so make  your own out of foam - it's cheaper, more customizable and will last longer. Oh, and one last tip: If you do "make your own mattress" the CuddleBed topper from CostCo is a great way to cover up the foam and make it look like a real bed, as well as providing a bit of extra padding.

This message was modified Jun 27, 2008 by jimsocal
Re: Why I haven't been posting ...
Reply #5 Jul 30, 2008 5:19 PM
Joined: Mar 31, 2008
Points: 17
Sorry that your bed isn't working.  Maybe you need a second opinion from a different doctor when you are insured again.  Your symptom of tingling arms are similar to my husband after an accident and he needed a neck fusion.  Also I want to let everyone know that we finally found a bed and although I wanted to wait longer before I posted about our bed but I felt that with your symptons that maybe you need to see another doctor they may have missed something.  I know they missed my husband's back problem the first time around.  I am the one with the husband that had both a neck and back fusion that I wrote about in the past.  After trying out tons of mattresses including a water bed we ended up getting an adjustable Tempurpedic Rhapsody bed.  I have read alot of not good thing about it on this forum and was not happy to spend that much money but my husband being able to get a good night sleep came over price.  I am happy to report that he is getting a great night sleep now.  We bought a Tempurpedic neck pillow too as our memory foam pillows were affecting his neck and he was getting headaches but those have disappeared too.  Now he has no neck or back aches.  I will post from time to time to let everyone know how the mattress is holding up.  Right now it is going on three weeks.

So far so good,


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