Would this mattress generate Heat and be hot to sleep on?
Jan 28, 2011 4:32 AM
Joined: Jan 22, 2011
Points: 6


COurtney mAttress
• Plush gusset top comfort layer.
• Ultimate comfort layers of visco elastic foam, pure latex, silk and 
wool respond and conform to body contours.
• Superior 5 zoned pocket spring system provides individual body 
support and minimal partner disturbance.


considering my last mattress drove me nuts with the heat , I wonder if this is too similar am only looking at because its such a good buy but if i cant lay on it cause its a furnace its useless, the annoying thing is its very hard to find out exactly how much of anything is in it .  Its on sale at Freedom Furniture .  Unsure if you have freedom in America?  
or this one also from Freedom Furniture
KImberLy mAttress
• Luxury inbuilt comfort layer with rolled edge construction.
• Deeply comfortable layers of visco elastic foam, pure latex and 
wool respond and conform to body contours.
• Quality 3 zoned LFK dense coil configuration provides superior 
body support.
• Super soft comfort level for restful, relaxing slee
This message was modified Jan 28, 2011 by ru2on
Re: Would this mattress generate Heat and be hot to sleep on?
Reply #1 Jan 30, 2011 10:20 AM
Joined: Sep 30, 2010
Points: 81
in my experience, anything with "visco elastic foam" (aka memory foam) will sleep very hot.

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