Wow Sleep EZ is FIRM!!
Aug 22, 2009 7:00 AM
Joined: Aug 13, 2009
Points: 14
My Sleep EZ mattress came in yesterday, so we got a nights sleep on it. I ordered the dunlop because we like a firm mattress, but WOW, this this is like a rock. We ordered Firm/Med/Soft for my wife and Ex Firm/Firm/Med for me based on our own personal thoughts and Sleep EZ's recommendation. We really can't feel a difference between the two sides, both are just really really hard.
It is no ones fault, but I am regretting not going with the talalay.

When I ordered they were very nice at Sleep EZ, and I am going to call back for an exchange which will hopefully fix the problem, but I am a little doubtful. We are going to swap a Ex Firm and a Firm for two Talalay Softs, so that we end up with Med/Soft/Talalay Soft for my wife and Firm/Med/Talalay Soft for me.

This is in NO WAY bashing Sleep EZ, I just assumed these were going to be softer than they are.
I would recommend to anyone ordering from Sleep EZ to definitely error on the side of too soft, because it probably wont be.

I am also thinking that maybe I should put some more spacing between the slats on my bed. Right now they are 2.5" wide slats with 1" spacing. Would increasing the spacing to 2" make the bed feel softer?
Re: Wow Sleep EZ is FIRM!!
Reply #6 Aug 22, 2009 6:13 PM
Joined: Aug 16, 2008
Points: 16
I tried out some Natura latex beds that a furniture store near me has just started to carry.  The first couple I tried had a dunlop core.  I did not like the feel of them.  Very "dead" feeling.   Then I tried one with a talalay core and it was very comfortable.  I ended up with a bed from Denver Mattress (a chain store) it's their Snowmass latex bed.  It has a 6 inch talalay core with a softer 2 inch talalay on top.  It does have about an inch of PU form in the quiliting, but I think that I got a great deal - the mattress was only $750!  That's about half of what I would have paid with SleepEZ.  Granted, I had to take the bed as it came configured, but I just wasn't in the position to plunk down $1500 on a mattress right now.  So far I have been sleeping better than on our old broken down innerspring mattress, though the new one is a bit firm.  I just ordered a Cuddlebed from Costco, so I will se how that goes.
Re: Wow Sleep EZ is FIRM!!
Reply #7 Aug 22, 2009 7:26 PM
Joined: Aug 13, 2009
Points: 14
wow that sounds like a good deal.
I think a talalay core would be too soft for us though. We tried out a couple in the stores with a dunlop core and talalay top and really liked them, so hopefully that is what we will end up with. I know the "dead" feeling you are talking about, but I actually like that.

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