Recommendations for wool toppers
Apr 28, 2013 8:45 AM
Joined: Apr 28, 2013
Points: 3
Seems like everybody is getting latex toppers, can't find much information on wool toppers.

If I were getting a latex topper, from reading around the forum, it sounds like I'd want a 3" (or more) natural latex topper because I'm a 220 lb side sleeper.  And it also sounded like I'd want about 20 ILD.

What's the equivalent of that in wool toppers?  

This is about the best line of wool toppers I've found, with some of them available for sale at Amazon.  Go to this link and click on "Wool Mattress Covers" on the left:

Here it is at Amazon, if you look at all the customer reviews, some guy's made a video review of it where his topper is on his bed and it does look pretty cushiony:

Any of those be nearly as cushioning as a 3" 20 ILD latex topper?

Those wool toppers on the page that are all natural say "dry clean or vacuum".  Any idea how much it would cost to dry clean one of those things?

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