Recreate Tempurpedic Classic feel from FBM's latex layers?
Jun 27, 2010 4:51 AM
Joined: Jun 27, 2010
Points: 3
Has anyone recreated the feel of a Tempur Pedic classic mattress from latex from FoamByMail? We're looking to keep the feel of what we have but move to natural latex. Sleepers on this mattress are one 6' 165 lb. person, one 5' 250 lb. person, one 35 lb. toddler and one future baby being planned. Toddler might go to sleep here, then move to his bed for the duration of the night after future baby arrives.

We thought about doing tatami mats and 100% cotton shikibuton, but darn we are getting old, and we do like the feel of our Tempurpedic. We're switching to a non-petroleum based mattress and dumping the pressboard Ikea frame (formaldehyde) due to health issues.

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