Regular/latex/memory foam
Nov 24, 2013 3:41 AM
Joined: Nov 23, 2013
Points: 3
What a great site!  We really like being educated rather than "sold" by mattress salesmen.  The buying guide got us up to speed but we could use some regular joe ideas on what we should start looking at.  We currently sleep on a 7 year old Sealy that was fine but has really started to give up in the middle.  I guess that is what you get for a no flip mattress.  My parents have had their spring bed for 20 years and it still does the job.


Wife and I have no real special needs except I have lower back pain from time to time.  Which road should we begin traveling down?  Spring/latex/memoryfoam?

This message was modified Nov 24, 2013 by marcbik
Re: Regular/latex/memory foam
Reply #1 Nov 25, 2013 8:26 AM
Joined: Sep 27, 2013
Points: 27
I agree with the assessment of this site.  I had learned so much that when I go to a local "brick and mortar", I am stupified by the lack of knowledge of some of the sales people.  Not only lack of knowledge, but the truly "will tell you the truth whether they know it or not".  So much of the information I get from them is not only incomplete but WRONG.  This site has made me an informed purchaser.

As to the type of mattress, unfortunately this really depends on the person sleeping on the mattress.  I have heard that people sleep IN memory foam, and ON latex.  That said, memory foam does come in multiple firmness levels, and my wife cannot stand the feel of being cocooned in memory foam.  So we are looking for a more supportive latex mattress.

Re: Regular/latex/memory foam
Reply #2 Dec 5, 2013 4:14 AM
Joined: Nov 23, 2013
Points: 3
Traveling all over the place so I have not been able to test anything out.  I am starting to think of going with a super firm spring or latex mattress then adding 2 inches of memory foam on top.  I would think that I could switch the memory foam to different firmnesses depending on our preferences for pretty cheap.

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