Royal-Pedic Latex
Sep 3, 2008 12:59 AM
Joined: Sep 3, 2008
Points: 3
Hi. I'm wondering if anyone here has had any experience with ROYAL-PEDIC latex mattresses ( They have 2 versions, both pretty expensive. I found a store here in San Francisco that has them on display, and i must say they were both very nice to try for a few minutes. The brand seems to be pretty high-end and good quality (as did the mattresses themselves), but i have hardly been able to find any user reviews online. The big draw for me here is that i can actually lay on it before purchasing, unlike places like SleepEZ, FloBed, and Habitat. Though the extra cost is way more than the return shipping for some of these internet stores. Still.. wondering about any real life experiences with Royal-Pedic. Thanks!

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