Savvy Rest - our first week and I will never sleep on anything else!
Feb 8, 2009 12:25 PM
Joined: Feb 8, 2009
Points: 2
After obsessive research, I settled on a Savvy Rest mattress, Dunlop Latex.

I share a bed with my 2 sons, 6 and 4, who are in no mood to go to their own bed yet. So we needed room, and as I've past 40 several years ago, I needed comfort.
Up until now I've been sleeping on an Aireloom inner-spring with a 1" latex layer built in. I realized that since the Latex was the only thing still comfortable about this too expensive mattress (I paid 2k about 7 years ago for a full) I wanted to search for Latex
I very quickly narrowed down to organic latex because the kids and I sleep in a loft bed, and anything that outgassed would settle directly over our heads for the night.

I found Savvy as it was one of the best rated on line, with the additional information that the customer service could not be better. They have lived up to this reputation. In the end I ended up with a custom cut mattress --
our loft is just narrower than a california king. I thought I'd go for the standard firm, medium, soft, with splits, but after several conversations with Michael Penny -- Savvy's founder -- I went softer with a medium/soft/soft configuration. All dunlop. This is the three layer serenity mattress

I am only about 5'0 and about 40 lbs overweight at 150. The kids are both less than 50 lbs. We are all thrilled with the result.
The mattress has a sense of elasticity or give but is also completely supportive. It is like sleeping on a yummy marshmellow. It catches you and gives and as a side sleeper/back sleeper I am always comfortable. No heat issues at all. 
I love this mattress. I never want to sleep on anything else.

The kids love it too.

Oh, and gone are the sniffles, which I woke up with every morning for years.I thought it was just something that happened to me in sleep. now i realize... yuk...
I went with 2 Savvy mattess pads, one wool and one cotton, because the four year old is well, a four year old and I wanted a layer that was easy to wash and a layer that was ultimately water proof.

I got great sheets on the cheap by going to

It took about 45 minutes to put the mattress together, but that was probably because I had to sit on it while creating it -- loft beds are like that. Thank Goodness for splits. You would never know they are there.
It comes uncompressed, and the trick to handling it is to move it in waves instead of pulling at it. The Latex smelled gently of warm vanilla but I don't notice it thru the bedding at all.
happy to answer any other questions, but the bottom line is that I am in bed heaven.


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