Sensus 5lb memory foam at great prices
May 11, 2009 11:09 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161 has Sensus 5 lb density memory foam on sale.
You can get a King size 2" piece for $150 and only $3 shipping! ?!
You can get a King size 3" piece for $199 and only $3 shipping

No matter what size you may need, my advice is to buy the King size since it's the same size as the Twin (!!). Then you can use an electric carving knife and a carefully drawn and measured line to cut it if need be, and use the leftover foam for pillows, cushions, or whatever...

Oh, and use this code for an EXTRA 10% off!

This is an unbelievable deal if it's the real Sensus foam and it does appear to be.

No, I don't work for or get paid by I just found this on the net and decided someone here might appreciate knowing about the deal and the code.
Re: Sensus 5lb memory foam at great prices
Reply #1 May 17, 2009 8:01 PM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
Hey Jim, did you order it?

If you do a search someone ordered from Overstock Sensus (or Venus) and they didn't think it was the real deal. Color difference or something. I ordered Dunlop latex from them, and I got different densities that weren't marked, and one Talalay 24ILD and it was really seconds I think, lots of latex missing on the one piece. So buyer beware. I still have no regrets because it gave me an opportunity to try different things. I do like the Dunlop but it is too firm, so I have to put soft layers over that.......
Re: Sensus 5lb memory foam at great prices
Reply #2 May 18, 2009 1:10 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Yes, I bought it and it came in very good condition, no defects at all. As to whether it is "real" sensus or not, I don't see how they could call it Sensus and sell something that is not Sensus. That would be illegal. I have no experience with other sensus foam so I don't know but so far it feels very good. I'm waiting to see if it softens up too much in a week or two... or eight...
Re: Sensus 5lb memory foam at great prices
Reply #3 May 18, 2009 2:46 PM
Location: Mequon, WI
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 363
jimsocal wrote:
Yes, I bought it and it came in very good condition, no defects at all. As to whether it is "real" sensus or not, I don't see how they could call it Sensus and sell something that is not Sensus. That would be illegal. I have no experience with other sensus foam so I don't know but so far it feels very good. I'm waiting to see if it softens up too much in a week or two... or eight...

If it is real Sensus, it definitely will not soften in a week, or two, or eight.

Is it very heavy in weight, pink in color, extremely consistent & high quality, and feels like you are sleeping in a marshmallow?  If so, you have the real Sensus, and it will last a LONG time.
Re: Sensus 5lb memory foam at great prices
Reply #4 May 19, 2009 12:01 PM
Joined: May 3, 2008
Points: 827
Let us know how it is in a week, or two, or more......... I think I need new memory foam. Not sure why my latex pieces were hit and miss, it was rather strange.....
Re: Sensus 5lb memory foam at great prices
Reply #5 May 21, 2009 11:14 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
MequonJim wrote:
If it is real Sensus, it definitely will not soften in a week, or two, or eight.

Is it very heavy in weight, pink in color, extremely consistent & high quality, and feels like you are sleeping in a marshmallow?  If so, you have the real Sensus, and it will last a LONG time.

Okay, it IS light pink in color and it is very heavy. It says on the label "Made for", something like that. Not sure how that plays into whether or not it is "real". Unfortunately I have no previous experience with Sensus.

As to whether it has softened, I don't think I am a good judge of this.

When I tried a Tempurpedic mattress, to me, it softened within a few nights. I loved it the first few nights, then it felt too soft. EVERY memory foam I have ever tried had this problem. None have felt the same after a few nights. It may be "just me". Maybe I'm "ultra-sensitive" to slight variations of softness.

So, yeah, this "Sensus" foam did seem to be too soft after a few nights. It didn't soften drastically, but rather "just enough" to make a difference, to me.

My guess is that it IS authentic Sensus foam because I really don't think a company like could get away with selling bootleg Sensus foam and calling it Sensus. Maybe someone wants to call the Sensus manufacturer and ask them? Who is it made by? Carpenter?

I tried my bed with 4" of Sensus and it felt great for a couple nights, then it felt too soft.

I took off 2" and then it hurt my back (the foam underneath was too hard).

Now I put it back to 4" but softened the underlying HR foam a bit by putting in a lower ILD under my shoulders and hips.

What I want to try now is 2" of Sensus with 1" of Venus. I think I'll order the Venus foam tomorrow....
Re: Sensus 5lb memory foam at great prices
Reply #6 May 22, 2009 5:07 AM
Location: Mequon, WI
Joined: Aug 30, 2007
Points: 363
I'm also very sensitive to slight variations in softness.  Other foams and memory foams have failed on me in short time periods.  I owned Sensus for years, and it stayed the same.  Similar to how latex stays the same over time.  Maybe my Sensus was a better than normal item.

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