Serta Icomfort size problem, anyone else?
Jan 23, 2012 4:20 PM
Joined: Jan 23, 2012
Points: 2
I just bought a queen size Serta i-comfort Revolution.  I brought it home and when I was setting it up, I noticed that the zipper that attached the mattress to the base (I got the motion base) had a few inches extra fabric on the base side.  The queen size mattress protector and sheet set were loose when I put them on.  Turns out that the mattress is a few inches short on each side (Measured 58"x77" instead of the standard queen size of 60"x80")  The base measured properly for a queen.  So it definatley is bigger than a full, but not quite a queen.  The consumer tag on it said its a queen size...  

I went back to a Mattress Warehouse and measured the one in the store and it's the same.  The Salesman said it was becasue it's foam and has rounded corners.  (rounded couners might give you 1/2" but no way 2 or 3")  I measured other mattresses in the store and they were correct.  Even a tempurpedic queen measured as a queen.   Any body else notice this?  I really hate having ill-fitting sheets.... 

Re: Serta Icomfort size problem, anyone else?
Reply #2 Jan 24, 2012 10:40 AM
Joined: Sep 11, 2007
Points: 116
Unacceptable.  Get another one.  If it isn't within 3/4" of the 60 X 80 then you might think about another brand.  Sounds like Serta is trying to save an inch of foam here and there.  But on the other hand their foam comes from sleep innovations, which is not known for being a high end foam manufacturer (Think Costco). It may be out of Sertas hands.
Re: Serta Icomfort size problem, anyone else?
Reply #3 Jan 24, 2012 4:50 PM
Joined: Jan 23, 2012
Points: 2
I spoke to Serta's customer service today and they said that I had to go through the store.  I got an email followup from them quoting that same size (60"x 79.5" +/- 0.5 to 1")  Even with those margins, mine is still outside of it.

I spoke to Mattress Warehouse too, the saleperson (Nancy) was kind of snippy and told me I was being too picky.  When I told her that what they sold me wasn't a queen by definition of the size and that the shortage really amounts to about 2.3 square feet of sleeping area she shrugged it off and asked if I wanted to risk losing such a great deal.  I replied that if I have to struggle finding sheets that fit for the next 10-15 years with an odd size bed then it's worth paying more.  She told me that she measured a bunch around the store and that Serta was very inconsistant in sizes.  The other ones were within 1/2".  She also said that she couldn't speak for Serta.  She obviously doesn't want to support the brands she sells. 

All in all the bed is comfortable, I just want it to be a standard size. 




Re: Serta Icomfort size problem, anyone else?
Reply #4 Feb 3, 2012 2:06 PM
Joined: Aug 30, 2011
Points: 55
mxw128 wrote:

I just bought a queen size Serta i-comfort Revolution.  I brought it home and when I was setting it up, I noticed that the zipper that attached the mattress to the base (I got the motion base) had a few inches extra fabric on the base side.  The queen size mattress protector and sheet set were loose when I put them on.  Turns out that the mattress is a few inches short on each side (Measured 58"x77" instead of the standard queen size of 60"x80")  The base measured properly for a queen.  So it definatley is bigger than a full, but not quite a queen.  The consumer tag on it said its a queen size...  


I went back to a Mattress Warehouse and measured the one in the store and it's the same.  The Salesman said it was becasue it's foam and has rounded corners.  (rounded couners might give you 1/2" but no way 2 or 3")  I measured other mattresses in the store and they were correct.  Even a tempurpedic queen measured as a queen.   Any body else notice this?  I really hate having ill-fitting sheets.... 

I have been hearing this a lot lately. I am going to head down to one of the Serta Stores and see if it is like that here in NC as well. I will let you know what I find here.

Re: Serta Icomfort size problem, anyone else?
Reply #5 Feb 7, 2012 12:56 PM
Joined: Feb 7, 2012
Points: 1
We just got the same mattress delivered today in the King Size.  It says on the Serta site that it should be 76 x 79.5 +-.5 inch.  Ours measured 74.5  x 78.  It is noticeably shorter than the king bed it replaced. We called the strore and they measured the ones that they had and they were the same.  They said that they do this so the bed will fit in a sleigh bed foundation.   We will probably just end up living it with but for 2600 buck you should get every inch you pay for.... 
Re: Serta Icomfort size problem, anyone else?
Reply #6 Oct 19, 2012 5:41 PM
Joined: Oct 19, 2012
Points: 1
I just bought an icomfort serta cal king. My sheets and mattress pad were noticeably loose, so I compared measurements of my old sealey cal king to the new icomfort cal king, and checked the mattress tag.  the tag has the std cal king sizing; 72X84.  my icomfort is about 70X 82. 

A cal king bed is 4 inches narrower than a regular king, so that means my bed is half a foot narrower than a regular kind, and only 2 inches longer. I'm tall and the cal king should be 4 inches longer than a regular king, but I only have half the extra length, or 2 inches.  I'm not very happy and my fitted sheet keeps popping off the corners since it fits so loosely.  It seems that serta either can't measure, their foam shrinks or they are cutting corners to save a few pennies of foam cost. 

also the mattress does bow out some on the sides, but you can't sleep on the sides, only the top surface.  Serta's website gives the bed dimensions and also says there is a tolerance of half an inch.  Now I thinks I should have bought a tempur pedic.   : (

Re: Serta Icomfort size problem, anyone else?
Reply #7 Dec 16, 2012 6:10 AM
Joined: Dec 16, 2012
Points: 1
We have the same problem with a Serta i-comfort king mem foam mattress. At first we assumed it was a problem with the king frame we bought. Huge gap at the end of it. When I finally decided to measure the mattress it was 74x76 instead of 78x80. I bought it from Appliance Factory Outlet in Denver and am getting the run around fom them since we didn't figure this out for over a year. I am considering a small claims lawsuit. I realize the warranty ends after a year but 1) its not common knowledge to measure a mattress when you receive one. I never thought a mattress could be so mis-sized (figure a king is a king) 2) its not like if I returned it sooner they would be able to re-sell it 3) Serta failed to notice the size mistake and so did the store that I bought it from that bought it from Serta. I am furious. I paid $1,700 for it and the gap between the mattress and frame looks ridiculous. Any thoughts on what I should/can do? I wish this store would just have some integrity and do the right thing but they are slimeballs and don't care at all about customers.
Re: Serta Icomfort size problem, anyone else?
Reply #8 Dec 29, 2012 10:31 AM
Joined: Dec 29, 2012
Points: 1
I have teh same problem with my queen size, it is 58" instead of 60", this is really annoying as a standard queen shoudl be made to be a standard queen size of 60".
This message was modified Nov 13, 2013 by a moderator
Re: Serta Icomfort size problem, anyone else?
Reply #9 Nov 13, 2013 6:02 PM
Joined: Nov 13, 2013
Points: 1
Ordered an I comfort mattress from Sears received almost a week and a half later and realized that it wasn't a queen size bed. I'm missing 3 inches length and width. How does a major brand get away with such a lie. I called Sears and they said it was in between 4 to 48 hours before I could talk to someone about a return. I'm glad I found this article and decided to take a search on Google everyone who orders this bed and has the same problem should return this bed immediately. It's not a queen size bed by the standards and dimensions of even the Serta website.
Re: Serta Icomfort size problem, anyone else?
Reply #10 Dec 11, 2013 2:17 PM
Joined: Dec 11, 2013
Points: 1
Got my icomfort about 3 hours ago and it is smaller then the sleugh bed frame I purchased with it. It looks abolutely silly!! You can see the wood slats underneath. So I measures my king size mattress to find is is 3 inched shorter length and witdh. It measured out to be 73" x 77".  This one will be going back to the store. This is a joke. I go tthe Genius, which is thousands of dollars. I am not happy.
Re: Serta Icomfort size problem, anyone else?
Reply #11 Feb 1, 2014 8:28 AM
Joined: Feb 1, 2014
Points: 1
Yep, I know all about this problem.  I bought my Cal King 2 years ago when they first came out.  Macys came 3 times with a replacement, each time it was 2 inch short on the length and 2 inches short on the  width.  Finally, I said 

there was no reason to keep delivering the same mattress because it didn't seem to be a mistake.  I contacted Serta.  Oh boy!  Over a period of 3 weeks I spoke with person after person after person.  Every one said that it wasn't possible.  They sent someone out to measure my mattress.  Sure enough he agreed with me.  The people at Serta were rude and kept saying there could be a difference in size of a a half inch to an inch.  I told them that first of all a half inch I could understand, not an inch. And anyway this one is less 2 inches in width and length.  There was nothing on the internet about this mattress because it was too new.  Finally, the Serta manufacture near me made one with the right dimensions for me.  I do think Serta is well aware of this issue but they figure most people don't take the time to measure the mattress.  I am happy with my matress but I won't deal with Serta in the future.

Re: Serta Icomfort size problem, anyone else?
Reply #12 Apr 2, 2014 6:37 AM
Joined: Apr 2, 2014
Points: 1
I ma having an smae issue as well. I bought icomfort intellectual EFX King size. I immediatley noticed the mattress is king of square shape. Normally it shoud be 76"x80". I took a mesurement. it turn out it only 75"X78". I checked Serta website it said the king is 76"X 79.5" with +-0.5". obvious my is short for 1". I called Sears, they told me 2"-3" difference is normal. 2-3" are you kidding me? The mattress is expensive. They should made to industry standard. After an hour agruging, they agree to send me another new one this weekend, but after reading this post, I am afraid the new one is going to be short agagin. How com dose the Setra making expensive mattress not following the industry standard?
Re: Serta Icomfort size problem, anyone else?
Reply #13 Apr 2, 2014 11:45 AM
Joined: Sep 11, 2007
Points: 116
It's like the banks skimming off a few cents at a time; hoping the customer doesn't realize it.  It adds up to big $$ over time.  
Re: Serta Icomfort size problem, anyone else?
Reply #14 Jun 20, 2014 7:17 AM
Joined: Mar 27, 2014
Points: 189
mxw128 wrote:

I just bought a queen size Serta i-comfort Revolution.  I brought it home and when I was setting it up, I noticed that the zipper that attached the mattress to the base (I got the motion base) had a few inches extra fabric on the base side.  The queen size mattress protector and sheet set were loose when I put them on.  Turns out that the mattress is a few inches short on each side (Measured 58"x77" instead of the standard queen size of 60"x80")  The base measured properly for a queen.  So it definatley is bigger than a full, but not quite a queen.  The consumer tag on it said its a queen size...  


I went back to a Mattress Warehouse and measured the one in the store and it's the same.  The Salesman said it was becasue it's foam and has rounded corners.  (rounded couners might give you 1/2" but no way 2 or 3")  I measured other mattresses in the store and they were correct.  Even a tempurpedic queen measured as a queen.   Any body else notice this?  I really hate having ill-fitting sheets.... 

mxw128.  Makes you wonder if there is a specific factory that has an errant smaller mold or do all of factories put out a smaller product. Does anyone have one that is full sized? Mattdud

Re: Serta Icomfort size problem, anyone else?
Reply #15 Jun 23, 2014 8:35 PM
Joined: Jun 24, 2014
Points: 1
We just measured our new twin xl mattresses and find them to be less than size indicated.  Instead of 80 inches long they are only 77 and 1/2.  They are only 36 and 1/2 inches wide instead of 39 inches.  This is not what the standard size should be.  We are still airing these out and have not slept on them.  We have not put a pad or sheets on them, so do not know if that will be a problem.  I plan to make the store aware of this issue.
Re: Serta Icomfort size problem, anyone else?
Reply #16 Jun 25, 2014 6:16 AM
Joined: Jun 23, 2014
Points: 13
I have had this problem too with the same mattress. I didn't know it was something that happened this often until I read this post. I couldn't take it back so i tried to fix the sheets to fit the mattress
Re: Serta Icomfort size problem, anyone else?
Reply #17 Oct 12, 2015 10:15 AM
Joined: Oct 12, 2015
Points: 1
I bought the Serta Motion Perfect Adjustable base(s) and I chose the California King I-comfort Epic(top of the line $3200.00 hard earned bucks plus another $2800.00 for the adjustable base) the first one they send was only 80 inches in length. The second one they sent was like MAYBE 81 if you measured it liberally. Still 3 inches shy of the corner brackets on the SERTA adjustable base. The Industry standard for California King is 72 X 84 by ANY standard you look at (except Serta's website which says Cal-Kings measure 72 X 83.5). I have health issues and may DIE before I get what I paid for but I will NOT GIVE UP THE FIGHT!!!. I am NOT buying the lies that it will expand(it hasn't in 30 days). If it is Serta's business practice to make short mattresses then it seems like to me they would make short adjustable bases also so at least their products would match. MAYBE 60 Minutes will contact us and expose this.
This is a Serta issue and I would like make it clear that the store that sold me this (I shall NOT name them) is trying to do the right thing.
Re: Serta Icomfort size problem, anyone else?
Reply #18 Nov 3, 2015 3:34 AM
Joined: Nov 3, 2015
Points: 1
i bought the Serta I comfort Queen size with the adjustable bed
when i lay down on the mattress my feet hangs off the mattress and when i elevate the head forget it, my calves are outside the mattress
i measured the mattress it was short 3 inches in lengh and 2 inches in width
i contacted serta and store, replaced the mattress 4 times and they are all the same size
all short in lenght and width and i am not even a tall person
i never slept on a queen size bed where my feet hangs off the mattress
this is ridiculous never again Serta...................
Re: Serta Icomfort size problem, anyone else?
Reply #19 Sep 10, 2020 2:08 PM
Joined: Sep 10, 2020
Points: 1
Well, I realize this thread has been inactive for about 5 years – but I thought that I would add that it's 2020 and Serta STILL hasn't figured it out. We purchased a Cal King iComfort that was 4" short on the length and 2.5" short on the width. The company we purchased it from arranged for a new bed and when that arrived it was 2" short on the length and 2.5" short on the width. Unfortunately Factory Mattress here in central Texas says that 2" difference is within their tolerances and "We can't keep filling up our warehouse with odd sized mattresses". As if it's my fault SERTA can't manufacture a mattress to the correct size. I struggle to understand how this is even a problem that could happen in today's manufacturing environment.
Re: Serta Icomfort size problem, anyone else?
Reply #20 Mar 6, 2021 1:20 PM
Joined: Mar 6, 2021
Points: 1
We just purchased a Sealy I comfort 4000 firm hybrid mattress from Mathis Brothers in Indio California. My husband had them set it up. I was not at home at the time but when I came back home I realized after looking at the mattress that it was much smaller than the adjustable bed frame that we had also bought from Mathis Brothers. It also looks slumped in the middle so we took out the leveler and a measuring tape and found that the Cal King, which is supposed to be standard 72 x 84, actually was 69 by 82. We got the same story from the customer service reps at Mathis Brothers saying Serta has a variable of up to 2 inches on both width and length. My first interaction with Mathis Brothers was that I had to send pictures showing both the mattress and the adjustable frame and showing the gaps. I did. Then I got another email from Mathis Brothers stating that I had to take a picture of me actually measuring the mattress. At that point I started getting pissed off thinking I just spent $4000 on a mattress at your store, you were selling me a defective Serta second hand mattress and now I have to prove that it’s not a true CalKing. We will have Mathis Brothers send out another one, but measure the next mattress to prove a point. If it is in fact that much smaller I would probably just have them pick up the other mattress and say goodbye to Serta. I believe after reading several other reviews that a class action suit is in order. Everyone this isn’t right and Serta knows it.
Re: Serta Icomfort size problem, anyone else?
Reply #21 Aug 3, 2023 1:08 PM
Joined: Aug 3, 2023
Points: 1
Just got a new Serta iSeries® Hybrid 4000 14.5 inches Plush King Mattress. and having the same issue with it being to short, It's 76 inches wide but only 77- 3/4 inches long. Mattress Firm brought out another one and it's the same. Going to try and return. Paid $2650 for it.
This message was modified Aug 3, 2023 by c0bra6557
Are mattresses made from recycled materials better for the environment?
Reply #22 Feb 15, 2024 2:19 PM
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With the increasing focus on sustainability, should we consider using mattresses made from recycled materials as a more eco-friendly option? How do these mattresses compare in terms of comfort and durability to traditional ones?
Best Mattress for heavy people?
Reply #23 Mar 11, 2024 4:58 PM
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Points: 1
If you're on the heavier side and struggling to find a comfortable mattress that can support your weight, I highly recommend looking into hybrid mattresses. These mattresses typically have a combination of foam and coils that provide both support and comfort, making them an ideal choice for heavier individuals. Don't waste your time and money on a mattress that will sag under your weight - invest in a high-quality hybrid mattress for a restful night's sleep.
This message was modified Mar 12, 2024 by a moderator
Is Sleeping on the Floor Better for Your Back?
Reply #24 May 29, 2024 1:41 PM
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Some people argue that sleeping on a firm surface like the floor can help alleviate back pain and improve posture. What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of ditching your mattress for a minimalist sleeping setup?
This message was modified May 30, 2024 by a moderator

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