Shredded latex pillows
Sep 20, 2007 8:09 AM
Joined: Sep 3, 2007
Points: 167
Thought I would start a new thread, as I've given up on solid latex pillows. I just took out another handful of latex "pellets" from my home-made shredded latex pillow. It seems that it is more important with latex pillows to get the fill level precise, since the latex is more "fluid" than other materials. Latex tends to equalize like water, some what, where other materials (like down and poly) tend to lump and stay put. You can only punch down a shredded latex pillow so much, and then the springyness of all the pellets holds you at a specific level. And I know that when I get my new mattress, I'll have to readjust my pillow, because of different shoulder sinking - but at least with a zippered pillow case it should be easy. One more observation (and I know most of you've heard it before) latex can be rather warm. The shredded latex is probably warmer than solid, because it molds to your head more. 

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