Sleep EZ 13000 on its way!
Apr 9, 2010 1:35 PM
Joined: Apr 9, 2010
Points: 41
After exhaustive research, and the most miserable couple of years on a Stearns and Foster "top of the line" innerspring mattress, last night I ordered a 13000 blended talalay mattress from Shawn at Sleep EZ.  What a positive experience so far.  He asked me more questions that I asked him.  He asked age, weight, height, sleep positions, feel preference, etc.  He ended up recommending we get the S/M/F/XF line up which will give us every possibility, and the higher profile bed we desire (our current is 18" which we feel too high, and 13" will be perfect).  It was confirmed that the manufacturer of the latex is LI.

I will report once we have it installed and a few nights on it, but thanks to this forum and reviews from this site.

