Sleep EZ vs. FloBeds top layer
Feb 5, 2008 6:36 AM
Joined: Jan 15, 2008
Points: 9
Sleep EZ just has regular latex layer on the top of their mattresses.  FloBeds has some sort of  "convoluted latex topper" that looks like an egg crate looking layer.  Any comments on the differences?
Re: Sleep EZ vs. FloBeds top layer
Reply #1 Feb 5, 2008 6:43 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
Try to find a Talalay Latex Topper that is 2" and convoluted on sites and you will see that the topper is worth a lot of money if you need a little cushion for your hips and shoulders. 
Re: Sleep EZ vs. FloBeds top layer
Reply #2 Feb 5, 2008 7:52 AM
Joined: Jan 15, 2008
Points: 9
Is that more for a side sleeper (which I am not)?  The FloBeds mattress are a good deal more expensive than Sleep EZ, so I'm trying to see if it's worth it for me.
Re: Sleep EZ vs. FloBeds top layer
Reply #3 Feb 5, 2008 8:15 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
If you are not a side sleeper than you may need less cushion than someone who is side sleeper.  I would go into stores that sell latex matresses and lie on many of them and try to find out what their layers are made out of to get an idea what feel you like. Then go back to the store that has what you think you want and lie on it for 30 minutes at least which will give you some idea but not a complete picture but will help.
Re: Sleep EZ vs. FloBeds top layer
Reply #4 Feb 5, 2008 8:24 AM
Joined: Jan 15, 2008
Points: 9
The only thing I've been able to lie on is the Pranasleep (which my wife and I love, hence the pursuit of a cheaper alternative online).  They have a very soft (10 ILD) top layer.  I preferred the slightly firmer bed, while my wife preferred the softer one, but they both had the same top layer.  I guess I am wondering how the Sleep EZ soft top layer (20-something ILD) will compare to the egg crate layer of the FloBed, or even the 10 ILD layer of the Pranasleep.
This message was modified Feb 5, 2008 by mpb2000
Re: Sleep EZ vs. FloBeds top layer
Reply #5 Feb 5, 2008 8:45 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
Find out what the depth of the 10 ILD Prana is since I learned I like a very soft thin topper over a very firm layers of latex to be comfortable. I can not handle a soft layer that is too deep. I am not quite 5 feet and not quite 100 lbs so I do not sink in deep enough to feel the firmness underneath if the cushion is too thick. Hence, the 2.8 or 3" layers must all be 36 or higher for me below my very soft layer.  I prefer less than a 20 ILD I am finding out for directly underneath me. When I had a conventional bed, I turned from side to side all night and thought it was normal. I had no cushion then at all over my extremely firm mattress that I liked for my back but my cushion points did not like.  I now do not turn too much and sleep better except for last night since my little dog was sick all night so I am a little bit tired today.

How deep (thick) is the soft SleepEZ Latex Core Vs. the FloBed Topper (is softer if a crate type or convoluted top which helps if you like very soft and is 2") versus the depth of the topper on the bed you and your wife both loved the topper on.  Knowing all these factors should help you in your decision making.  Is the Prada's topper 1" or 1.5" or 2" or 3"?

Re: Sleep EZ vs. FloBeds top layer
Reply #6 Feb 5, 2008 8:49 AM
Joined: Jan 15, 2008
Points: 9
The Prana was 2" - 10 ILD.

The Sleep EZ softest is either 1.4" 22-24 ILD or 2.8" 22-24 ILD, depending on which model you get.

The FloBeds convoluted topper is 2".

I am 6'2", 160 lb and my wife is smaller than I am.  I was originally thinking the Sleep EZ that had three 2.8" cores would be better because we could interchange all the layers.  But since I like a firmer mattress, I am wondering if the Sleep EZ with two 2.8" cores with the 1.4" core on top would be better so I could get the soft top, but firmer support system.  My wife, who likes the softer mattresses could do a soft on top and in the middle and then something firmer on the bottom.  Hmmm...

This message was modified Feb 5, 2008 by mpb2000
Re: Sleep EZ vs. FloBeds top layer
Reply #7 Feb 5, 2008 8:55 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
I think the FloBed has a very soft 2" top layer like the Prana that you like. Around 23 ILD is firm for me to be right under me I am finding out and is too soft for support for me but too firm for cushion for me so I prefer very soft that I sink down and get cushion with very very firm underneath. But again this is me.
This message was modified Feb 5, 2008 by Lynn2006
Re: Sleep EZ vs. FloBeds top layer
Reply #8 Feb 5, 2008 9:09 AM
Joined: Jan 15, 2008
Points: 9
I don't know, I guess I am just not sure what Sleep EZ's "soft" layer would feel like.  I personally don't like the "sink into the bed" feeling, so that would probably be fine for me.  My wife is the opposite, so I don't know if two "soft" layers would do it for her or not.  I hate to pay so much more for the FloBed, but Sleep EZ charges a restocking fee.  It's never easy.

Similar thicknesses, FloBed vs Sleep EZ: 8.5" thick = $575 more for FloBed.  10-11" thick = $750 more for FloBed

This message was modified Feb 5, 2008 by mpb2000
Re: Sleep EZ vs. FloBeds top layer
Reply #9 Feb 5, 2008 10:43 AM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 132
The Flobeds convolute is 20 ILD.  imho 20 ILD is quite soft.  I can't even imagine a 10 ILD ... must be like a melted stick of butter.
Re: Sleep EZ vs. FloBeds top layer
Reply #10 Feb 5, 2008 12:11 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
D3FI, I agree 10 ILD sounds like it would be way too soft.  Thanks for sharing.  I am actually thinking now for myself of a 1" soft topper over a medium 1" 32 ILD topper over a 38 ILD over  39 ILD over A 44 ILD may be most comfortable for me. I would rather err on the side of too firm than too soft but I know others that like very soft tops and it seems like mpb200 likes that very soft top on the Prana.  I do love having a latex bed and I feel even the way I have it now is still comfortable but due to my car accident, I just want a few changes made to my bed which is wonderful I can do this.
Re: Sleep EZ vs. FloBeds top layer
Reply #11 Feb 5, 2008 1:40 PM
Location: L.A. area
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mpb2000 wrote:
Sleep EZ just has regular latex layer on the top of their mattresses.  FloBeds has some sort of  "convoluted latex topper" that looks like an egg crate looking layer.  Any comments on the differences?

I think the difference lies more in the ILD or IFD than in the convolution. In general the convoluted is going to be softer at the same ILD, so a 20 ILD convoluted Talalay might be similar to a 12-15 ILD Talalay of the same thickness. But I'm just guessing.

Personally I'd go with flobeds because you can more easily adjust the entire bed, adjust each side, and they have excellent customer service and excellent return policy.
Re: Sleep EZ vs. FloBeds top layer
Reply #12 Feb 5, 2008 4:26 PM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 395
Convoluting is a cost effective way for manufacturers to get low ILD toppers. It roughly halves the ILD of the original material (but re-mated, effectively restores combo to original ILD).
Re: Sleep EZ vs. FloBeds top layer
Reply #13 Feb 5, 2008 11:57 PM
Joined: Sep 7, 2007
Points: 476
Very soft latex will compress. To avoid hammocking go with the 1.4" on top rather than the 2.8". Personally I would rather have a uniform layer of soft latex as a topper than a convoluted topper. I think it's just more likely to flatten out.

I bought a SleepEZ mattress and found the medium, firm, extra firm combination too firm. I had them send out the soft layer, but found that 2.8" of 20 ILD latex was far too soft. It provided no support and was very uncomfortable after a few hours. SleepEZ has since changed the ILD on their soft layer to 24. To me this is still too soft for a 2.8" layer, but might make a comfy topper at 1.4".

While SleepEZ has a very nice product the disadvantage of ordering from them is the one exchange they allow and the restocking fee if you find it just isn't working for you. Flobeds gives you more time and an unlimited number of exchanges to get it right. And no restocking fee if you can't.

Re: Sleep EZ vs. FloBeds top layer
Reply #14 Apr 30, 2008 10:00 PM
Joined: Aug 31, 2007
Points: 793
I just want to add that I ended up only going with a 1" topper that is supposed to be a medium firmness over my very firm ILD latex cores (39 ILD over a 36 ILD over a 44 ILD on one side with the other side of the bed having the 44 ILD in the middle of the bed so I can switch sides depending on how my back is feeling that day).  A 2" topper was too soft for me due to my petite size.  So if someone is small like me and wants a very firm bed, maybe get a thinner topper.  Someone bigger needs a thicker topper since they will sink in more. 

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