Sleep Innovations Novaform Gel Topper cold
Jan 22, 2011 5:09 AM
Joined: Jun 6, 2009
Points: 1
We recently purchased a Novaform Gel mattress topper at Costco.  We live in northeast Ohio.  We keep our bedroom at 65 degrees at night.  Does anyone else find this topper to be extremely cold when you first get into bed?  It is cold for about an hour or so.  Then it warms up and seems to be comfortable for the rest of the night.  I got up the other night for about an hour and when I got back into bed it was cold all over again.  Even though my husband was still in bed, it still got cold.  Also, it has a chemical smell.  How long will that last.  We have had this for about a week with no diminishing yet.  I suppose if we were to keep it in the summer it would be nice to have a cool bed.  Has anyone had any experience of using a heated mattress pad?  Will it damage the foam?  We have a combo water bed and latex mattress made by USA Mattress.  It's construction is 2 inches of Talay latex, standard polyfoam and water tubes. 

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