Sleep to Live - Bensons Beds.... Anyone heard of them?
Mar 30, 2010 8:36 AM
Joined: Mar 30, 2010
Points: 1
I have been looking for a new mattress lately.  I am UK based.  I started at Bensons beds, and after going thru some sales pitch, I found the Sleep to Live Series 900 to be just uncannily comfortable.  Never felt that on a mattress before.  But - it's £1,700.

Next I have been to John Lewis (excellent, but yeah, pricey too!).

Co-Op have some nice ones, but nothing that make me go "ooohhh, IKEA...".  Just "nice".

  • Has anyone else tried Sleep to Live?
  • Are they long lasting?
  • Are Bensons aftersales service good?

I want a soft-medium mattress.  can't decide whether to look for divan or not.  Divan is good for storage, but if you are limited on room when you walk into the room, your feet might constantly kick it.

I'm reluctant to buy online without trying the bed, so have sort of decide to buy only from a store.

Best wishes.

Re: Sleep to Live - Bensons Beds.... Anyone heard of them?
Reply #1 Mar 30, 2010 2:42 PM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
Sorry, but I don't think anyone here is from the U.K and we are not familiar with these mattresses or companies you mention.

It might help you, though, to look at my Newbie Advice thread. If you have specific questions about types of foams, firmnesses of foams, latex, memory foam, or springs, please post it. But from what you've given us I don't think I can be much help. Good luck!

Re: Sleep to Live - Bensons Beds.... Anyone heard of them?
Reply #2 Mar 30, 2010 5:31 PM
Location: Yosemite area
Joined: Sep 10, 2008
Points: 249
Hi, and welcome.

I'm not in the UK either, but a bed is a bed.  You want to look for certain properties in a bed you like, such as a good quality foam where they use foam.  Buying a bed from a company that makes them right there would be a good choice because you should be able to take it back to them if there are any issues.  If you don't currenly have issues with your back from bed issues, you probably have a good idea of what you like to sleep on.  I'd beware of buying anything you haven't tried! 

It seems that in the US at least, beds are lasting less and less long, it is as if they are meant to get uncomfortable in a rather short period so you have to replace it.  More sales for the bed companies!  Gets expensive and quite frustrating, especially as the back doesn't get better as we age. 

Good luck!


Re: Sleep to Live - Bensons Beds.... Anyone heard of them?
Reply #3 Apr 6, 2010 8:32 PM
Joined: Apr 7, 2010
Points: 12
I purchased one of these "Sleep to Live" beds at a Sleepy's recently.  I went to 2 Sleepy's stores and both sales people directed me to these beds even though I had gone there and told them that I was looking for a latex mattress.  Of course, it was one of the highest priced mattresses that they had ($3,999.00 for a King) but yes, it felt comfortable.  I asked who made them and they both told me they were made by "Sleep to Live", a company that I told them that I had never heard of.  Of course, they put me on that crazy sleep test mattress and told me what firmness was recommended.  To make a long story short, the salesman dropped the price down to $2,500.00 and I walked out thinking that I got a good deal.  After researching the mattress and also Sleepy's later that night, I found out that this mattress is allegedly made by Kingsdown and that Sleepy's has a less that stellar seller rating.  Therefore, I cancelled the order the next morning and have not looked back since.  All I can say is do a lot of research on mattresses, and also the stores that sell them, before you decide to purchase.  I still have not purchased a mattress but am vey happy that I found this website while researching.  Good Luck!

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