Sleep Science Celeste?
May 5, 2009 6:36 PM
Joined: May 5, 2009
Points: 9
Ok... I'm editing this post because I decided to scrap the Big "S" companies. Now I am down between three choices. I am looking at Flobeds, Sleepez (would prob. lean toward Sleepez cause of price) and the Sleep Science Celeste which is offered by Costco.  I like that Costco essentially has a risk free return policy.  Anyway, I am looking for some help trying to evaluate the quality of the Sleep Science Celeste.  The specs for the Model are as follows (I have emailed them to get more info):

14 inch total thickness:

Top Layer = 2 inches of 5.3 lb Visco Foam with an ILD of 12-13.

Second Layer = 2 inch of Dunlop Latex (80 percent natural/ 20 percent synthetic)

Third Layer = 1 inch air barrier

Base = The 9 inch base is descirbed as being made of two layers of 1.8 lb. high density polyurethane.  The top layer has an ILD of 38 and the bottom layer has an ILD of 42.

If anyone could help interpret these specs as to durability/comfort I would appreciate it. Thanks.
This message was modified May 7, 2009 by robdmb
Re: Serta Pure Response?? Other Suggestions?
Reply #1 May 6, 2009 7:22 AM
Joined: Sep 10, 2007
Points: 84
They both use synthetic fibers on top of the latex core that causes indentations.
For the same price, you can buy a high quality Natura with all natural fibers.
you can ask them for the nearest location to you.

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