SleepEZ -- a bad review ?
Dec 14, 2007 2:42 PM
Joined: Nov 15, 2007
Points: 157
Wow, this is the first time I have ever seen anything bad written about SleepEZ.

Do you guys think this is real?  Maybe this forum is just s sham front for Flobeds and Sleepez? :)

Link to bad review
Re: SleepEZ -- a bad review ?
Reply #15 May 30, 2011 11:29 AM
Location: L.A. area
Joined: Jan 18, 2008
Points: 1161
sleepswithcats wrote:

Thanks for the good review of SleepEZ the company.  You probably would not have liked ANY latex mattress.  It does feel different than either springs or memory foam.  A reminder to people purchasing latex for the first time that they should try to find a latex mattress at a local store to see if they like the feel of latex.  Shipping seems pretty reasonable and they didn't rip you off.


Just out of curiosity, what mattress did you end up purchasing?

It was my understanding that the original post was asking if the forum the review (where he posted) was a sham, not this one. That one I know nothing about. But this one I have posted at as far back as 10-12 years ago (my profile says different but I did post here way before my profile says I did), and THIS forum is not a sham. The fact is, myself as well as many others have bought from Flobeds and SleepEZ and we've had positive experiences with them.

I agree with the poster re SleepEZ, that it's a small business and because of that sometimes they screw up. But I believe them to be honorable based on my own experience.

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