SleepEZ Dunlop topper / Upgrade to complete mattress
Jun 6, 2008 4:24 PM
Joined: May 22, 2008
Points: 171
OK, I mentioned in a few other threads that I had ordered a Dunlop topper from SleepEZ, with the plan to upgrade to their complete 3-layer mattress if I liked it. And I promised I would post when I got the topper, so here goes...

We ordered the Cal King topper split soft / medium; soft for my petite wife (who can sleep anywhere on anything), medium for "not quite as petite" (250 lb) me. We received the topper within a few days. I ordered Dunlop because Sean at SleepEZ said it would support me better than Talalay (because Dunlop has more rubber / less air). I had only tried Talalay, and expected there to be a big difference in the Dunlop, but honestly I couldn't tell a difference. I assume it sleeps a bit differently, but, to me, it looks, feels, and smells the same.

We put it on our (hated!) Tempurpedic a few nights ago. My wife likes her soft side fine, but she likes pretty much anything. To me, my medium side feels a little too firm (barely ok for back sleeping but too firm for side sleeping). I talked to Sean and he said the Tempurpedic combination of firm foam and unheated (because of the layer of latex on top) memory foam would likely be firmer than what he would suggest - maybe the same as 2 layers of extrafirm latex. Initially he had suggested I get a firm / extrafirm to go under my medium, but after talking he suggested I go with medium / firm to get a little softer feel. He didn't want me to go with a soft topper since he didn't think that would hold up well for me.

So I ordered the full mattress today. For those of you who don't know about the "upgrade" deal, here is how it works. You order the topper (and you get to try it out before you commit to a full mattress). Then you order the bed you want at the price of the next bed down. This ends up being cheaper than buying the mattress outright. For me that meant:

1) Order cal king topper for $395
2) Order cal king model 7000 mattress for $995 (they send 2 layers and the model 10000 mattress cover)
3) End up with 3-layer cal king mattress (model 10000) for about $1400 - as opposed to $1550 if you order the model 10000 straight away

So you get to try before you buy and you save money - win win! I will update again here when I get the mattress...


Re: SleepEZ Dunlop topper / Upgrade to complete mattress
Reply #18 Feb 27, 2009 12:01 AM
Joined: Feb 2, 2009
Points: 15
Kait wrote:
Hey, Steve;
I know what you mean about matter what they do, it just doesn't support me like I need.  I do believe that Latex has its place in the bedding...perhaps if you got a spring mattress that had a layer of cotton batting and then a zippered pillowtop could use some of the foam there?!

Kait, last week I visited Bloomingdale's website and was surprised to see even a few high-end companies (like Shifman) using latex in their $15,000+ coil spring mattresses.  Personally I think it's more marketing than anything else, and what irks me is the amount of misinformation and outright disinformation being spread by manufacturers.  Even so-called "natural" latex is 60% artificial, petrochemical foam, yet consumers are told it's pure, green and eco-friendly.  Just outrageous.

This message was modified Feb 27, 2009 by JimBC

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