SleepEZ joy!
Oct 6, 2010 11:58 AM
Joined: Oct 6, 2010
Points: 3
18 Months ago hubby and I came to the conclusion that we had to change our 15yr old lumpy, innerspring mattress.  After much research, I was sold on latex, and SleepEZ with the ability to change up the layers, seemed like the best choice to me.  Dear hubby however, was not prepared to spend that amount of $$$ on something he was not able to try, and given the fact that we're on the other side of the country, that was out of the question.  He called around and found the Sealy Springfree line and suggested we try them out.  I did a bit of research, and it seemed that most people were happy with them.  We landed up choosing the Beachside as a compromise 'cause hubby likes firm, and I like soft.  Well, time has passed and we're so unhappy with the mattress.  It has developed dips on each side where we sleep, and was starting to feel far too firm for me.  About 5 months ago we purchased a soft 3" latex topper, and that has been great, however it still felt a little firm for me.  Well, I think hubby finally realized that I may have been onto something with the SleepEZ idea, and suggested we go ahead and buy one.

It was delivered on Monday. We bought the 10000 with 3 layers, and Shawn was kind enough to upgrade us to the 13000 cover so that I could incorporate the soft layer I had already purchased.  Hubby is 5'11" and weighs around 195lbs, and I'm 5'4" and weigh around 145lbs.  Shawn suggested XF/F/M/S for hubby and XF/M/S/S for me.  And all I can say is WOW!!!   I have a Snugfleece on top, and I have been having some of the best sleep I've had in ages.  Obviously there is some adjustment taking place, but all in all we are thrilled.  Hubby thinks his side is just right, and I can only say I find it hard to get out of bed in the morning.  The nice part is that if things change in the future, all it will take is having to replace one or two layers. 

Now I do have a question.  Can I expect some "softening", or will the feel that we experience now, be it?  I think I mainly ask for me, as my side is soft, but it feels just right.  If there is going to be some softening, I might want to replace one of my soft layers with another medium.


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