Sleeplikeabear Latex Beds?
Oct 16, 2009 7:16 AM
Joined: Aug 21, 2009
Points: 486
Just wondering whether anyone has build a mattress ordered from Sleeplikeabear.  Out of curiosity, I went to their website because it was mentioned in another thread about toppers.  They have a slightly different ordering model than Flobeds, but basically you can purchase separate layers of latex in whatever thickness and ILD you want, and they sell zippered mattress covers.  The latex is LI Talatech, and they also sell the new LI Celsion latex, which has "phase change" materials that cool down a hot body and warm up a cool body - not too sure about how that works, lol.

Anyway, out of curiosity, I priced out a mattress like I ordered from Flobeds.  Three three-inch layers @$441 = $1,323.  One two-inch layer @$205.  Mattress cover @ $302.  Total cost - $1,830 for a queen size bed.  Well that's not too different from the Flobed price of  $1,949, only $100 savings.  But, the shipping and tax from Flobeds was another $270, bringing the cost of the Flobed to close to $400 more than the Sleeplikeabear.  Shipping from Sleeplikeabear is free.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not regretting purchasing from Flobeds.  With the split mattress configuration, the 90 money back guarantee, and the added ability to customize the bed, I do think the Flobed is worth the extra cost.

But, my daughter needs a new mattress too, and since our bed stretched our budget, I'll certainly be looking into Sleeplikeabear for her mattress.  I can build out a nice mattress for her at several hundred dollars savings.

Sooooo  . . . has anyone else put together a mattress from Sleeplikeabear?

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