so what do i do now i'am lost
Oct 1, 2010 4:44 PM
Joined: Nov 17, 2009
Points: 81
So what do i do now,  i had got the foambymail 2 inch soft,  it did not sleep hot seemed to work for me,  then my dumb self thought mmm  maybe i only need 1 inch  so sent 2 inch back  but the 1 in was not comfortable,  so sent it back  then i got  talalay ooooooo yeah  1inch from rocky mountain  big mistake  sleep's warm and seem's springy  foambymail was not springy  so this  sleep's warm and not comfortable, so what do i do now,  iam so lost now,  ask  rocky moutain if i can exchange it for a 2 inch  dunlop since that did not sleep warm from foambymail, get another 1 inch from sleeplikeabear dunlop or what please help.

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