spring surgery required?
Mar 24, 2011 12:03 PM
Joined: Mar 24, 2011
Points: 2
im on the search for a cheap matress setup that will be reasonably comfortable here are the options that im considering:

Option 1: Buy an 's' brand matress on sale somewhere for $600ish, they are everywhere for this kinda money, i know what i'll be getting foam-coil-foam. Will be comfortable for as long as the foam stays in tact...which appears to be 1 - 12 months depending on where i read !

Option 2: Buy a cheap matress from ikea (im thinking the sultan hanestad) with 500 springs its reversable, firm and has no pillowtop. Then add some latex from foambymail to the top for a reasonable quality top layer (zoned if i feel the urge to get fancy) encased in a zip up matress cover from a walmart or similar to keep it all tidy.

I'd really like to do a full DIY build latex/foam matress but my wife wants a spring mattress base (even if it is a cheap nasty back breaker from ikea - she wont be talked out of this).

I guess my questions are if i go ahead with the Ikea option do i need to perform 'surgery' and open the matress up or can i just build my 'topper' on top of the existing matress? Any thoughts on which latex combination i should look at for the top?

Thanks in advance for the advice !

Re: spring surgery required?
Reply #1 Mar 25, 2011 10:02 AM
Joined: Oct 15, 2009
Points: 966
I bought a cheap Sealy and cut the top completely off and replaced the cheap foam.  I used 4" of latex and 1" high density memory foam.  I cover it with a simple cotton mattress pad, and then I put a wool filled mattress pad over that.

If you went with the Ikea, you probably don't need to cut it open.  It will depend on what is above the springs, but sounds like not much. You can just add toppers to taste. How much will depend on how firm you like it and how firm the springs are.

Re: spring surgery required?
Reply #2 Mar 30, 2011 5:44 PM
Joined: Mar 25, 2011
Points: 30

which option did you go with? I'm curious because I'm thinking about doing something to your Option 1. I am curious which innerspring mattress you purchased if you did?


be wary of the Ikea mattresses - we subleted a furnished apartment for about 10 months last year and the guy had an ikea mattress on an ikea bed frame and an ikea futon used as a couch.

i dont know which ikea mattress he had, but both bed mattress and futon mattress were super hard and i developed a progressively stronger hip pain (i sleep on my side alot) while we lived there. also, my arms would often go numb on the futon. the bed mattress was definitely more comfortable than the futon, but not by a whole lot...

Re: spring surgery required?
Reply #3 Mar 31, 2011 8:52 AM
Joined: Mar 24, 2011
Points: 2
Im going to ikea/latex option - i figure if it doesnt work out for the the latex topper will be useful no matter what so i will only lose out on the matress. Im away for the next couple week although i will post results once i get the bed setup and have my first night sleep !

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