St. Dormeir Queen Washable Wool Mattress Pad - New... one week try.... Does $140 sound fair... Retail for $185?
Feb 5, 2011 3:01 AM
Joined: Dec 11, 2009
Points: 113

I have decided that the St. Dormeir is not for me, and am offering it AS NEW, in original box and packing.  I will offer it here, first, and if no one is interested, will list it

on Ebay.

I have had it approx one week  and decided I prefer my "naked foam" with a sheet.

Does $140 shipped to Conus sound like a reasonable price.... I  paid $184, shipped, on sale?

This is absolutely AS NEW.

If you need references, I have over 450, 100% positive feedbacks as shovbay00 on Ebay.

I will check back periodically, as there is no email notice feature here.





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