Suggestions for mattress w/o memory foam pretty please . . .
Jun 24, 2009 9:04 AM
Joined: Jun 24, 2009
Points: 2
Please help me, or at the very least point me to some past post or links.  I'm at my whit's end with this whole mattress thing.

All I want is a mattress that's not built with memory foam . . . that's all . . .

We spent all day Father's day looking at mattresses in the stores telling them we didn't want foam.  Turns out the mattress we were writing a check for had memory foam in it.  Ugh!

Anyway, I think Shifman makes mattresses without memory foam.

I saw a thread where IanS posted these manufactures as making "organic" beds

I don't know that I'm looking for an "organic" mattress, all I want is a GOOD one without foam.  Does that mean organic?  Any thoughts on Shifman?

Thank you for reading my post and any suggestions that you can offer.  I'm soooo overwhelmed that I could sit here and cry.  We need a new bed so bad.  Please help me.

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