Telling talalay from dunlop
Jun 18, 2010 9:13 AM
Joined: Feb 8, 2010
Points: 72
Can one eyeball the difference between dunlop and talalay? I have heard that one is open cell and the other closed, but looking at some samples this does not seem to be the case.  Both are similar in having closed cell bubbles in the latex base. The dunlop I have seems to have larger and more irregular bubbles, with some as big as 1/4" where the talalay doesn't have any over 1/8", and even these are rare. In general, the talalay seems to have smaller, more uniform bubbles though this may be to some degree and illusion caused by how the foam was cut.

Reason I am curious is that I have run into several vendors selling as talalay stuff which sure sounds like dunlop to me and I would like to be able to positively identify what I am getting.

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