Tempurpedic HD material is for softness/plush
Somehwere here, I think here, someone said my conversation with Tempurpedic where I was told the new HD material they use is for increased softness and not firmness, was wrong... It isnt, I have called twice, spoken to 2 different reps, both say the same thing... Just thought I would clear that up....It surprised me, I would have thought the opposite. |
Re: Tempurpedic HD material is for softness/plush DeeAgeaux
(Oct 16, 2009 11:01 AM) -
Re: Tempurpedic HD material is for softness/plush randys
(Oct 16, 2009 12:20 PM) -
Re: Tempurpedic HD material is for softness/plush KimberlyH
(Oct 16, 2009 12:26 PM) -
Re: Tempurpedic HD material is for softness/plush randys
(Oct 16, 2009 12:33 PM) -
Re: Tempurpedic HD material is for softness/plush randys
(Oct 16, 2009 12:37 PM)