Tempurpedic mattress and a heavier couple
Jul 26, 2013 8:28 AM
Joined: Jul 26, 2013
Points: 1
About 4 months ago, I bought a king sized Tempurpedic Sensations mattress. This was the new type of foam that isn't supposed to give one the sinking feeling. It was a little too firm at first but after 2 months it seemed to find a happy medium in the spots where my wife and I lie. About 2 weeks ago, the mattress became unbearable to sleep on. After about 4 hours I would wake up with a very sore lower back. My wife noted that I now compress the mattress about half of its thickness (is 8 inches thick). Warranty doesn't apply because the mattress springs back to its original thickness after I get off the mattress.

We have tried conventional coil mattresses but they don't last more than 12-18 months before they sag permanently .

I phoned my retailer and they are willing to exchange the mattress. My question is what type of mattress would be best for us? I am leaning towards a Tempurpedic Contour Signature.

My wife likes a softer mattress than I do. Does anyone know of a compromise mattress? 

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