For those with Euro slat foundations, can you feel the strongback running down the middle?
Aug 11, 2011 5:20 PM
Joined: Aug 11, 2011
Points: 1
First off, thank you kindly to everyone for giving of your thoughts and info.  What a blessing and a relief (!) to find this site with the best info in a very confusing market for a consumer....  On this forum, I have found answers to all of my questions regarding latex and mattresses and prospective vendors just by searching since all of my questions have been asked by others.  Except maybe this one:


After 2-3 weeks of intently searching/reading posts on this forum, we're about ready to purchase a latex mattress. We've done tons of research and have emailed vendors with questions to be able to do comparisons on a level playing field.  We're going to buy from one of 4 vendors and as of late, I've been doing the research on foundations.  I'm thinking that the flexible slats will be the way to go for us.  To start, we'll be going with 9-11" of latex, depending on the seller. So, we're in the normal range of what most people are opting for.

We want to have the ability to make some adjustments down the road as we continue to sleep on the mattress and this system makes the most sense.  My sweetie and I both sleep right in the middle of the bed (We're in love!) and I read that the runs of wood (north/south) where the flexible slats terminate in the center of the bed, can be felt thru the mattress.

I think I understand where one could feel this if rolling from one side of the bed to the other.  There may be some give when on the flexible slats, then none as one went over the center, then back to the give of the flexible slats on the other side.  I then think that most foundations are rather inflexible pieces of wood, whether it be a solid sheet of plywood or hardwood/sofwood wooden slats and folks haven't talked of feeling the gaps between the slats.

We're 6'1", 170 lbs and 5'3", 120 lbs. So, it's not like we're heavy people that may have a higher chance of pressing the flexible slats further down.

What experiences have you had with feeling this center strongback?


TIA,  -bob

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